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Ilmu Sosbud

How To Learn Online: Navigate New Ways Of Meeting Education Goals

27 November 2020   17:13 Diperbarui: 27 November 2020   17:28 163
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Try to find a location for learning that is as free from distractions as you can manage. In your home, identify a distinct space for learning that is not used for other activities, such as sleeping or watching television. As best you can, the space should be for study only. In small living spaces or where you may share space with family members or roommates, this can be difficult. If your choices are limited and you must set up your learning space in a common area, such as a kitchen, try to arrange a schedule with others so that you are able to use the space uninterrupted during your learning time.

When you are learning, keep water handy to stay hydrated, have healthy snacks nearby, and be sure to get up to stretch as often as you need. Work in an area that has good lighting. If you are working on a computer or tablet, give your eyes a break. Use the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, take a 20-second break and focus your eyes on something at least 20 feet away.

Minimize distractions in both your physical environment and your digital environment. Close web browser windows not relevant to your learning, turn off notifications from your phone such as email and social media, and keep the TV off.

  • Create your learning space. Identify a distinct space for learning. Avoid areas used for sleeping or common, high-traffic areas.
  • Take regular breaks. Stand up to stretch. Rest your eyes every 20 minutes.
  • Minimize distractions. Close browser tabs and windows not relevant to your learning. Turn off all phone notifications.

Logistics Checklist

Creating a Schedule

A benefit of online learning is flexibility, but that can also create challenges. Without the structure of an on campus course schedule or in person learning sessions, it can be easy to procrastinate learning tasks or lose track of assignment deadlines. When we are learning while also working and caring for family members, we often deprioritize our learner goals in the face of other demands.

To help you stay on track, find ways to structure and optimize your time for when you learn best. This might mean waking up an hour earlier than usual, before children are awake, in order to complete reading and video lectures. Or, you may need to save the latest episode of your favorite television show for another evening, as you finish an important project or study for an upcoming exam.

Review the learning activities and determine how much time you expect each will take, then make a plan that works for you. You might be tempted to "binge learn" and move through course materials too quickly. Pace yourself. When you set aside time for learning, this doesn't necessarily mean you need to find four-hour uninterrupted blocks, several days a week. You may find 15 minutes to watch a short video lecture and write a three-sentence reflection post. But of course, other learning activities will require more time. In fact, it's a good rule of thumb to overestimate the amount of time you expect to take for a task and factor that into your schedule.

Create a schedule for your work, especially if a course is set up to let you learn at your own pace. Add important due dates to a calendar so you do not miss deadlines. Track tasks and assignment deadlines on your phone, in a day planner notebook, or with whatever calendaring tool works best for you.

  • Set a schedule and follow a routine. Get up and get ready for the day, follow a regular morning routine (wash up, dress, have some food, coffee/tea, brush your teeth, etc). Having a regular structure to your day will help you keep on track.
  • Stay organized. Keep a calendar of tasks and deadlines. Have your course materials and notes in one place so you use your time for learning, not searching for course materials.
  • Be kind to yourself. If you find yourself suddenly thrust into a remote learning situation, expecting high productivity is expecting too much of yourself and can exacerbate stress. Set reasonable goals and communicate with your instructors about your progress and challenges.

Keeping on Task

For keeping on task, try the pomodoro technique. This time management technique is especially useful if you find yourself easily distracted. The technique was created by Francesco Cirillo when he was a university student.

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