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Higienis Indonesia
Higienis Indonesia Mohon Tunggu... Administrasi - Air Care Alat Kesehatan Udara

Sejak 2004, Higienis Indonesia dikenal sebagai spesialis di bidang solusi kesehatan dan higienis yang berkualitas. Kami berkomitmen untuk membantu Anda yang ingin memiliki lingkungan lebih bersih, lebih sehat, lebih hijau, dan lebih nyaman, serta bagi Anda yang memiliki kondisi kesehatan tertentu seperti asma dan alergi, dengan menyediakan produk-produk penting seperti pembersih udara, penyerap lembap udara, pelembap udara, pewangi ruangan, dan pembersih uap. Kami juga menyediakan perangkat keamanan untuk melindungi lingkungan tempat Anda tinggal, yaitu kamera sekuriti.




The First 1.000 Days: A Child's Window of Opportunity

10 Januari 2020   14:30 Diperbarui: 10 Januari 2020   14:38 59
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It is no longer a secret that the air quality in Jakarta is fairly bad. In fact, in the past couple of months, Jakarta has consistently ranked one of the most polluted cities in the world as recorded by air quality monitoring sites such as Air View.

While it is commonly acknowledged that daily exposure to air pollution at the high levels that are occurring in Jakarta (and other big cities in Indonesia) is harmful to its residents, not many fully understand the profound and lifelong effects of access to clean air, or the lack of it, have on a child for the rest of his or her life.

Start with Clean Air: Right Start, Bright Future.

The most critical phase of a child's development occurs in the first 1,000 days -- from the beginning of a woman's pregnancy to the second birthday of the child.

The physical and cognitive development of an unborn child in the womb is critical. Development is happening more rapidly during this phase than at any other time.

The 1,000 days between a woman's pregnancy and the child's second birthday offer a unique window of opportunity to build a healthier and brighter future.

Little Brains Need Clean Air to Learn: Opportunity for Brain Development

A child's physical growth, including brain growth, is influenced in the womb. Stunted growth often due to a pregnant woman's lack of access to good nutrition, clean air and water, beigns in the womb and often causes irreversible physical and mental disabilities.

At birth, a child's brain is developing its ability to process images (vision) and sound (hearing), from birth to age one. The abilities to recognize and remember language and images like the faces of parents and siblings.

From the age of one to two, a child's brain develops its ability to process language, quadrupling the number of words he or she can use, and performs more complex tasks, making the child more aware of his or her emotions and intentions.

The exposure to air pollution will affect all parts of the brain. There are a number of bad impacts which affect the children permanently. It will delay the brain's ability to process information, especially in visual and auditory. Worse, the exposure to air pollution will damage the brain's development and lead to certain mental disease, such as low IQ, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), slow learning, depression, anxiety, and any other mental illness.

Little Lungs Need Clean Air to Grow: Healthy Lungs, Healthy Kids

Asthma is the most common chronic lung condition in children worldwide. Breathing indoor and outdoor air pollutants increases the risk of developing childhood asthma.

Not just asthma, impairment in lung development and function in children is also the direct result of breathing polluted air. Air pollution stunts lung development and function, reducing lung capacity by up to 10 percent in children, aged eight to ten years.

Air pollution contributes to respiratory infections, such as pneumonia and bronchitis in children, according to WHO. Airborne particles inhaled indoors is the leading cause of death, contributing to about 50 percent of all deaths due to pneumonia among children under the age of five, as their immune and metabolic systems are still developing, making them more susceptible to frequent respiratory infections.

The exposure to air pollution by developing lungs is a trigger to lots of respiratory diseases, not only asthma attack, but also lung cancer, wheezing and coughing, lung tissue redness/ swelling, susceptibility to infections, cardiovascular harm, and shortness of breath.

Little Solution for Clean Air: What Blueair can do for your child?

Blueair captures 99.97 percent of all airborne pollutants down to the microscopic size of a virus, including pollen, dust, pet dander, mold spores, smoke, allergens, and bacteria. All airborne pollutants are electrostatically charged when passing through Blueair, making sure that even the tiniest pollutants are immobilized and captured by the specially designed filter. A unique 360-degree filter design allows for high intake to clean the air effectively, offering best-in-class performance. Blueair's optional combination filter with active carbon is also highly effective against smoke, odours, gases and VOC.

For the first 1,000 days and beyond, trust Blueair in keeping the air clean 24/7 for a healthier and brighter future for your child.

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