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Read email through your Sony Ericsson cellphones

25 Juli 2010   13:03 Diperbarui: 26 Juni 2015   14:37 74
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If you have the current Sony Ericsson cellphones, then you are lucky. Because you can count on this gadget for several IT function. Excluding the basic feature (call and SMS), it also can read email without install a separate software (i.e. Java application). It has a built-in feature to do that. If you have email account from Yahoo or Google, you just need to set it in some step. Go to Messaging menu, then click Email>Settings>New account. You have to create Account settings by clicking Add. The more important thing, you have to know 2 kinds of information i.e. Incoming server and Outgoing server. For Yahoo, incoming: and outgoing: For Google, incoming: and Please try it and enjoy your future mobile life style!

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