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What is a doctor? This is a question that on a superficial observation seems rather simple to answer. Especially for the general public. This is due to the fact that whenever the word "doctor" pops up in a conversation, most people usually have a common concoction of words that immediately comes to mind. Words such as: stethoscopes, white coats, a noble job, and incredibly bright intellectuals are just some of the many first impressions general folk have towards a doctor. For young children however, it's an entirely different case. In contrast to adults, the word "doctor" has a tendency to induce fear in their hearts. This is because doctors are also symbolic towards people who perform painful procedures like circumcisions, tooth changes, applying injections, and so on. But I'm here to set the record straight. What truly would be a precise definition for a doctor?

To consider a much more professional opinion, I decided to consult a dictionary. It was simply the best and most blatant thing to do, considering the fact that I am looking for a definition after all. According to Longman Pocket English Dictionary, a doctor is a person who looks after people's health (1). But after finding that answer, I was still rather dissatisfied. This is due to the fact that I find the definition quite simplistic. So I decided to consult another dictionary, hoping that I might get a much more thorough explanation on the subject. This time I chose Oxford Minireference Dictionary & Thesaurus.  According to that dictionary, a doctor is someone who is a qualified medical practitioner or the holder of the doctorate title (2). However, besides the professional and public opinions available, what about my own opinion on the matter? Does my definition align with the two I acquired from the dictionaries?

Personally speaking, I don't necessarily deem the two dictionary based definitions as being false. But I do believe that being a doctor is more than a profession in which one is responsible for other people's health. It is more than being a person with the knowledge to perform medical treatments. There are many character traits which serve as the founding principles of an ideal doctor. Ones that precisely define who they are. The simplest and most basic trait of them all is of course, professionalism. Like anyone else in the world, no one can demand respect from the people around them. One can only earn respect from their colleagues. This rule applies for doctors alike. Simply strutting along the hospital corridors in a white coat won't immediately command the respect of patients. A doctor must prove their competence face to face. They must try to give a lasting impression and convince their patient that they are worthy of their title.

Speaking of proving one's competence in front of a patient, what about the work ethics and mannerisms that needs to be considered when handling one? When it comes to work ethics, I believe that dedication is the one point a doctor must emphasise on. In layman's terms, it is another trait that ideal doctors must possess. Dedication in this context means that doctors must always maintain an excellent performance. They must muster the strength to do so regardless of all their personal struggles. Strong dedication will help you strive in almost any field of work. But in medical school, it is vitally essential. Every day is a blank canvas. A blank canvas open for more challenges, distractions, mandatory assignments, unpleasant mistakes and so on. We can never know what task lies ahead of us. Nonetheless, we always have to be ready to face them. It's a similar case for doctors. If there is one thing that can be acquired from all the burden-filled, troublesome days, it's experience. In short, all the daily troubles a doctor must go through will not be in vain.

In terms of mannerisms on the other hand, a doctor must be compassionate towards both patients and fellow colleagues. Doctors mustn't act like robots. In other words, they mustn't be ignorant towards the fact that their patients are also human beings. Human beings like themselves, with their own distinctive personalities. Therefore, displaying insensitive behaviour is the last thing a doctor wants to do in front of a patient. This applies especially when it comes to delivering a diagnosis of patients with terminal illnesses. A patient will have a much better rate of recovery if a doctor is able to relate to them to the outmost extent. The treatments the doctor gives will therefore become emotionally and medically therapeutic. So based on these valid points, it becomes evidently clear that social skills are absolutely crucial to an ideal doctor. The field of medicine requires caregivers who not only thrives academically, but is apt in terms of communication skills as well. All the knowledge a doctor has in his/her arsenal will be of no use if they are unable to convey them well. After all, etymologically speaking, the word "doctor" is synonymous with the word "teacher" in Latin (3).

With that done, another notable trait to be ticked off on the long checklist is commitment. But a doctor's commitment cannot merely centralise on curing a series of patients they encounter on a daily basis. Ideal doctors must commit to advancing the forefront of the field of medicine as a whole. In other words, they mustn't only apply well known methods of treatment onto a patient. They must also aim to develop new medical treatments of their own. This enables them to cure a larger variety of illnesses, which in turn gives them the ability to help a larger amount of patients. This elevates their level of contribution towards society to the outmost potential, making them prove to everyone that being a doctor is a noble job after all. However, a heart held commitment is still inadequate without any real action being taken. For doctors to develop the aforementioned "new treatments of their own", they must first conduct research. Why is that you may ask?

Conducting research is exponentially vital in order to contribute and advance the field of medical science. But before taking part in research, they must first possess a deeply knowledgeable background in biology. A biological knowledge that expands from the cellular to the molecular levels. They must become a walking medical encyclopedia, so to speak. Due to that particular prerequisite, ideal doctors must have another crucial trait. The trait in which they passionately strive to become dedicated, lifelong learners. Ideal doctors can't be contempt with just what they've learned from their university years. They must search for more fresh and justifiable information from a variety of different sources. Therefore it is required of them to have a high involvement in the global medical community. Not to mention society in general as well. This will open access towards a vast array of the important information they need. They'll also be able to broaden their horizons, as they are exposed to a different mix of doctors with experience from several types of fields.

However, all the community involvement, research, experience, and vastly deep knowledge in the medical field will all be for naught if a doctor were to lack confidence. Being a doctor isn't simply about learning more and more things about the human body. It's also about conveying all the knowledge you've learned to the people around you (as I've mentioned previously). It's about convincing people that you really are the supposed "expert" when it comes to this field. To prove this, we must put ourselves in the shoes of a patient. When we become a patient, naturally we have to hand over our trust to our doctors. We have to trust that they'll do whatever it takes so that we will recover from our diagnosed illnesses. So if we were to see a lack of self- assurance in our doctors, it is to no surprise that we, as patients, would be immediately struck by a jolt of anxiety for our own wellbeing. In short, doctors with a healthy sense of confidence will be well trusted by their patients. They will be listened to by their respective colleagues, not to mention they'll also be looked up to by their students.

But being confident doesn't necessarily mean excessively showing off, especially when it reaches an extent in which one becomes arrogant in the process. Arrogance puts an individual under a very dangerous delusion. One in which they begin to believe that they are far too apt in their field. That they already know everything there is to know about their line of work. In reality however, this simply isn't the case. As I've mentioned early on, ideal doctors must aim to become a lifelong learner. In order to do so, they must maintain a state of humility. A state of humility which enables them to be more open minded to things like feedback, new sources of information, etc. This enables them to improve on their mistakes and improve the quality of their service. Humility can also come in the form of being approachable and available for your patients and colleagues alike. This type of humility is most crucial when a doctor's associates are in dire need of their assistance. But it is notable to keep in mind that humility is best when coming hand in hand with confidence. They are complementary characteristics after all.

And with that comes the last trait I have in mind to form a precise definition of a doctor. There simply is way more to a doctor than meets the eye. They are way more than just people who wear white coats all day and tinker with stethoscopes or scalpels. In a nutshell, being a doctor is a profession in which one has become a professional, dedicated, academician who is both intellectually and emotionally available. Not to mention one who has a burning passion towards contributing to society.


(1) Longman Pocket English Dictionary. Edinburgh Gate, Harlow, Essex, England: Pierre-Henri Cousin; 2001. Doctor; p.153.

(2) Oxford Minireference Dictionary & Thesaurus. United States: Oxford University Press Inc., New York; 1995. Doctor; p. 177.

(3) Lawrence, Christopher. The Lancet; London Vol. 377, Iss. 9781,  (Jun 4-Jun 10, 2011): 1910.

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