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Amanda Cornella Meliala
Amanda Cornella Meliala Mohon Tunggu... karyawan swasta -

Amanda Cornella Meliala, seorang perempuan karo yang lahir pada 8 Februari 1990 di Jakarta. Memiliki minat khusus pada bidang bahasa membuat saya senang membaca dan menulis. Menetap di Depok, dan telah menyelesaikan studi di Sastra Inggris Universitas Indonesia pada bulan Januari 2013. Saat ini bekerja pada bidang Expor-Impor di PT. Nissan Trading Indonesia.




My Ultimate Hero

28 Juni 2012   11:39 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   03:27 111
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

What is a hero actually is? People understand the word “hero” in many different ways. Some people will say that a hero is the national heroes who helped defending his country, and died because of that war; some other may think that their heroes are the inspirational experts whose works has changed the world; little kids will think that their heroes are Superman, the man of steel, Batman, Gotham's hero, Spiderman, New York's friendly neighborhood, X-men, super strong mutants, or Captain America, the handsome unbeatable hero of America. Teenagers will say that Edward Cullen from the novel Twilight is a perfect hero – with a good-looking appearance, a sincere heart, a strong body, and being immortal. However, to me, a hero can be found around us, without them realizing that they are.

The definition of what a hero is is so relative. Everyone can have their own interpretation about their own heroes. A hero is not always a human, it can be anything; animals can also be heroes for some people, too. Heroes appear in different shapes, sizes, characteristics, values, and beliefs. They are something that saves someone’s life, something that died for the good of humankind, something that can be a role model, or simply something that is so lovable and make people comfort just by being around them.

In my opinion, a hero is someone (or something) who is willing to put a hundred percent effort into protecting you from pain. They will not stop at nothing to provide you with the security of safety and comfort; and he or she will share you the knowledge required for survival. A hero does not have to have perfect character, high importance in society, or have a classic doll named after them in kids’ toys stores; a hero just needs to be someone who cares for your happiness and loves you for being yourself.

Also, we can see that our heroes are usually the people that we admire the most. You may admirer them for their achievements, outlooks in life, or maybe just because they are famous.

To me, my mother is my hero. She does not have many big achievements in her life and career; she also does not own any special position in our neighborhood, society, nor the country. You will not expect to see her in television, magazines, or billboards; she is not famed. She is just a mother who dedicates her life for her family and her job as an accountant.

My mother is a superhero for me and my brother. I was 10 years old when I first realized how much of a hero my mother was. At that time, I saw my mother as a figure of ideal mother, best friend, and fan. She always takes care of me, always there when I need her, always listens to my complaints, always tolerates my naughtiness, and always knows how to comfort me when I am down. My mother is my number one fan. Everything I do, no matter how bad my dance was and how messy my hair was, she always thought that I am the prettiest and the brightest girl in the world.

I first learned how to be discipline and independent from her; my mother always makes her mother (my grandma) as her role model of how to teach the children well. My grandma is a perfect example of an independent mother; she was a headmaster in a public elementary school in Medan, but she could manage taking care of her five little children really well. By looking up to my grandma, my mother has taught me – step by step – to be a sweet, smart girl, and then let me be independent and strong as I grew older. I often get upset by the way she treat me – since I think that I have grow up and do not need to be told of what to do – but then I realize that everything she does for me is for my own good and prove her love and affection to me; so there is no reason to complain.

I am so close to my mother, and she is the person whom I can rely on. She is strong, but tender as well. Having so much love and attention, it is impossible for me not to love and adore her so much. I look up to her, and see her as my number one idol and hero. I really hope that someday, when I have children, I can be like her – a perfect mother, best friend, and number one fan for my children.

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