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Mahasiswa Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta




Bukalapak Advertising Creativity

11 Desember 2020   22:38 Diperbarui: 11 Desember 2020   22:46 119
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Advertising is a promotional activity for a product. With advertising, the product will be known by many others. A company has the right to make advertisements for its own products. However, the advertisement is expected to have a creative side of its own. If the advertisement created is creative, then surely many people know and are interested in using the advertised service or product.

The Bukalapak ad that was broadcast in January 2017 is an example of a very creative ad. The ad tells about Mrs. Linda, the owner of a boarding house in Bandung, who is fierce. However, Mrs.Linda's fierceness actually had good intentions for the boarding children. This is what makes the relationship between Ibu Linda and her boarding children like a family. However, Mrs.Linda's fierceness actually has good intentions for the boarding children. This is what makes the relationship between Ibu Linda and her boarding children like a family. Once when Mrs. Linda's boarding house child came home and was no longer boarding there, Mrs. Linda felt lonely. However, he did not expect his boarding children to stop at Mrs. Linda's house, which he used as boarding house. Linda's boarding children bring their wife and child, it's like family visiting a mother. When they were gathering to eat together, suddenly a package came sent by his son containing a magic jar. The boarding children bought a magic jar so that Mrs. Linda had a good magic jar and was suitable for use.

Advertising is indeed required to attract the attention of all groups so that what is being promoted can be known and used by many people. Based on chapter 13 reading section 1 in the book “English for Fisip” the advertisement shows its artistic value because the ad containselements  interesting(visual, verbal, and sound). Production should be of the highest quality possible, using clever dialogue, clever color schemes, and memorable music that will make consumers see it as a work of art rather than a general promotion. Creative advertising ideas are sure to be appealing if they are catchy or funny. If they have these qualities, they have reached the bottom and if they also think well, they will definitely get the customer's attention.

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