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Vooya is an Experiential Study Tour program, which provides you an opportunity, to dig deeper your passion and interest, while broadening your knowledge about the world and its customs, at the same time.



Travel Story

7 Activities to Make the Most of London This Summer

5 April 2018   18:17 Diperbarui: 8 April 2018   20:52 381
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Have you planned your summer trip this year? If you haven’t, visiting London will be a great preference.

It is inarguably true that London has everything you can include in your travel itinerary – from the awesome spots to take some artsy pictures for the sake of your Instagram feed to the excitement of going around the city with the iconic Double Decker Bus. But it might sound boring, somehow, if you only spend your one week in London with an ordinary list of activities like sightseeing, taking pictures, or enjoying local cuisines. For you are visiting the capital city of Great Britain, having an extraordinary travel experience is not an option.

Keep in mind that to attain the extraordinary travel experience, you need to make the most of the city you are visiting. Here are 7 extraordinary activities you can do to make the most of your London trip this summer.

British Etiquette and Royal Afternoon Tea

Tea is an important part of British culture. And one way to make the most of your trip is by experiencing the local culture. As the first activity, you can participate in a Royal Afternoon Tea class to learn the way the British people drink their tea in a fashionable way. Beside practicing how to gracefully hold your teacup and sit in a sophisticated manner, you will also learn about the history of tea, from how Great Britain got their tea from India, how the teabags were invented, to what made tea ritual become an everlasting tradition in the country.

Fencing Lesson

photo by VOOYA
photo by VOOYA
Move your muscle a little bit by taking a fencing lesson class. Here, you will get to know the art and technique of drawing a sword like Zorro as you can take a picture in a heroic pose. Don't you think it would be much fancier to post your photo during a sword combat in a knight-like armor?

Street Art and Graffiti

photo by VOOYA
photo by VOOYA
This is your great chance to paint the wall of London streets without feeling afraid of getting caught by the cops. By joining the Art and Graffiti workshop, you can create your own graffiti from scratch and learn different spray techniques. Feel free to fill your smartphone memory with tons of London-street-art photos once you finished spray-painting the local wall.

Cooking ala Master Chef

photo by VOOYA
photo by VOOYA
Eating local food while traveling to a certain place is ordinary, but cooking your own local food in the place you are visiting can be considered extraordinary. As your next extraordinary activity in London, you will have a chance to know how it feels like to make your own delicious English cuisines in Jamie Oliver cooking class.

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