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Moslem | Private Teacher | USM STAN Book Seller | One Day One Juz Movement Member | Interested in enterpreneurship | Email: | @usep_msbahri | Cirebon - Majalengka




How to be Good Children

5 April 2013   11:10 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   15:42 66
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[caption id="attachment_246209" align="alignright" width="300" caption=""][/caption] Assalamu’alaykum.

Brothers and Sisters.

I'm going to tell you about How to be Good Children. Actually this is one of my speech in my class. I think its better if I publish in kompasiana also. So many people can get new information. I mean topic that sometimes we forgot.

About the topic: How to be Good Children . This is didn’t need difficult answer but to apply the answer didn’t simple anymore. I’m sure that we can discuss it well because all people here are children from their parents, right?.So How to be Good Children?

1.We have to know what our parents really want.

Ask your parent what they really want. Tell them and make promise that you can fulfill their request. Make sure you will try the best you can, I mean with good intention also.I’m sure you can do it. Just make a call to your parent from your cellphone .

2.Improve our Religion Knowledge.

Find out what kind of duty of parents for raising their children in religion perspektif. If we get what our parent and God want to us as children, just do it sincerely. Actually that’s the reall happinest in life and afterlife. The main source are Qur’an, Sunnah and Literature book. Just reading some Islamic articles and book on the internet. Its very easy.

"God in Qur’an say that the parent have to try to make all children sholeh and sholehah : It mean first, doing best what God want and avoid what God hates. We can check in Qur’an and Religion literature. Second, Learn from the life of Muhammad SAW, our prophet. We can check in Sunnah and Religion literature. Many lesson we can get especially about relationship between parents and daughter or son. Example, Our prophet always kiss forehead of his children every they meet each other"

3.Be Good Parents for your children especially mother.

If you wanna be good children you have to know how to be good parent. You can see what actually you realy want to do to your children someday and you can realize that you have to do that as a children to your parents. Because you really know thats good for you.

First, to be good parents you have to choice good partner. Because especially Mother has a duty is not only raising children but also nation. So brother and Sister, I mean when we choice partner we have to think what kind generation we have to make. But not to be perfectionist, nobody perfect, guys.

4.Respect and lower yourself to your mother.

Eventhough between your parent and you have different background of education. don’t ever underesitimate them. Especially your mother, She sacrifice her life for you. She spent much time to take care to you. No excuse to be arrogant person. Just Respect and lower yourself to your mother when you communicateeach other.

5.Don’t refuse what they want to you.

6.Always give your parents gift/ present.

7.Be our home as best place to share.

8.Make our parents proud with us.

Example, Be confidence, be yourself, good in the school, reach our goal in life, make happy family and children. I’m sure wil make our parent proud with us. Simplicy, our parents proud with us when we get happinest in Life.

Thanks for your attention, Wassalamu’alaykum.

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