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Taufik Muhammad Ramadhan
Taufik Muhammad Ramadhan Mohon Tunggu... Mahasiswa - International Relations student at Singaperbangsa University, Karawang

My writing mainly focuses on international relations topics such as geopolitics, international conflicts, security, and environmental issues.




How The 9/11 Attacks Influenced The American Public's View of Islam and Its Believers

4 Desember 2022   16:20 Diperbarui: 4 Desember 2022   16:24 394
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Smoke Rising from WTC by Michael Foran

Conclusion and Opinion from author

Islam as a religion and the Muslim community in the United States have been affected negatively by the September 11 attacks, which ignited the worldwide war on terror. These effects include hate crimes, discrimination, racial profiling, and Islamophobia.

In contrast, the author strongly opposes the September 11 assaults carried out by Al-Qaeda's Islamist radicals, regardless of their motivations. Both the World Trade Center attack and the War on Terror have resulted in the deaths of millions of innocent citizens because to some old man's desire.

The author of this article discovered certain ironies in the American response to the September 11 attacks after conducting research for it. The Global War on Terror, which was intended to eradicate all terrorist organizations, has evolved into some international and multi-armed organization that has contributed to the destabilization of the Middle East. It's interesting to note that since the War on Terror was declared, the number of so-called "militant Islamist extremist networks" has grown.

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