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Restaurant Fine Dining Characteristics Japanese Traditional Fruit Salad

6 Desember 2019   08:03 Diperbarui: 6 Desember 2019   08:01 9
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Enjoying a fruit salad every day will certainly bring good benefits to the body. The fruit is also very fresh when consumed, not to mention the crisp fruit texture so delicious when bitten. Fruit is very beneficial for our body. It also contains various vitamins and minerals

Fruit can be found anywhere, very easily such as in minimarkets, super markets, markets, fruit shops or directly from plantations. The price of fruit is still affordable, so it is not hard to meet the needs of fruit.

The Right Choice of Fruit A healthy fruit salad is certainly derived from fresh organic fruit. Processing methods must also be clean, where the fruit must be washed thoroughly so that germs and dirt disappear. Fruits that you can use to make salads include yellow, red, green or other fruits which naturally have a high vitamin content. This restaurant has traditional Japanese specialties especially restaurant salad menus, such as wafu salad, green salad, salmon salad, salmon pine salad, Wakame salad, beef tataki salad.

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