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MongoDB, JAMstack, and DynamoDB, Which is The Best DBMS For App Development?

13 November 2019   16:11 Diperbarui: 13 November 2019   16:41 355
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Data management is the biggest challenge in the application development paradigm. Data-driven applications are clogged with huge amounts of data with huge database management issues. 

Database Management Systems can help solve this problem. It is a software package designed to manipulate, retrieve, store and manage data. A DBMS can manipulate the data itself, the data format, field names, record structures, and file structures. 

DBMS on a global scale has a huge application and there is a lot of DBMS among the popular choices. Up to September 2019, the most popular DBMS was Oracle with a score of 1346.6, with MySQL at second and one of the most famous MongoDB at the fifth spot with a 410.06 score. In the wake of newer DBMS like JAMstack and DynamoDB gaining traction, where do all of them stand on the DBMS realm?

MongoDB- The Ruler:

MongoDB is considered a NoSQL database that has high capacity of storage. MongoDB database contains packages that have documents. These documents are different from each other in size. Developers can structure the data into key-value pairs that can be stored as rows and columns, instead of the classes and objects. 

In NoSQL, there is no need for pre-requisites of predefined schema before the introduction of documents. It can also be done during the process run. The hierarchical relationships for the storage of arrays and other complex structures can be done through data models used as an integral part of the database.


Instead of storing data into a relational format, Mongo DB stores the data in the form of documents.

  • MongoDB supports searching by field queries, range queries, and regular expression searches easier with Queries that can be made to return specific fields within documents.
  • It supports the indexing of the documents to enhance performance.
  • It provides high availability of replica sets, a single replica set can consist of two or more MongoDB instances with any of them acting as a primary or secondary replica at any given time.
  • The concept of sharding to scale horizontally by splitting data across multiple instances is used by MongoDB. 
  • It can run over several servers, duplicating data to keep the system up and running in the case of hardware failure.

JAMStack-The Challenger:

JAM stands for Javascript, API and Markup. A serverless architecture that does not need a database. It can replace a document database by using data in the form of JSON files that can be moved and written in Markdown. Javascript running entirely on the client-side environment handles any dynamic programming through Vue.js or React.js.

While APIs are designed to be reusable and accessed over HTTP with JavaScript abstract all server-side processes or database actions (eg Twilio, Stripe). Templated markups are pre-built at deploy time. like a site generator for content sites or a build tool for web apps. There is a central repository to JAMstack - "Git", that holds all the site's components. The CDN (Content Delivery Network) identifies the changed necessary and rebuilds the site accordingly.

It has been seen as a replacement for LAMP Stack and MEAN Stacks. Contrary to the LAMP stack, MEAN stack Angular leverage. Js to propagate Single Page Applications (SPA). 

SPAs transformed the application development methods and which was later enhanced by JAMstack with the idea of static sites. SPAs were the stepping stones towards successful static sites and that is the sole reason, JAMstack has been gaining traction.

DynamoDB-The Dynamic Frontier:

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