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Sarah Ningtyas Rachman
Sarah Ningtyas Rachman Mohon Tunggu... -

i'm a collegian of Economics and Business Faculty , Economics Major of Jenderal Soedirman University 2012.\r\n- RRI 99.0 FM's Announcer in 2014\r\n- English Tutor since 2014\r\n- Vice Project Officer of EFEC NATIONAL TALKSHOW 2014\r\n-EFEC Organizer of Education Department 2014\r\n- Responsible Person of National Economics Event 2013\r\n- HIMESBANG Organizer of Bidang Kajian dan Pendidikan 2013\r\n- Project Officer of BIG DISCUSSION OF JOURNALIST 2013\r\n- Journalist of MEMI UNSOED 2012 \r\n- Basketball Player of FE UNSOED 2012\r\n- Football Player (Keeper) since 2012




Shall We Be Watching a Movie? It's Something We Barely Bear

21 Desember 2014   20:23 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   14:47 17
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I do love movies. In most of  the genres except thriller maybe, no matter how bad or how the rating is, I’ve always been interested with movies. Jarang rasanya denger orang-orang gasuka nonton film. Dari kalangan yang suka nonton layar tancep, bioskop, sampe nonton film di laptop.

Film adalah media dimana kita bisa ngeluarin semua ekspresi ,dimana kita bisa memetik value of life ,bahkan bisa menjadi sebuah doktrin yang mengintervensi sudut pandang kita atau dogma. Pelarian dimana kita penat akan sekolah atau tugas-tugas kuliah. Bebas ketawa atau nangis sekejer-kejernya karena mantengin layar dua jam, dan FOILA! kita dapat pencitraan. Pesan yang bakal kita dapat diending, dihibur sama musik yang ngiringin sepanjang film yang akan mengajak kita ke nuansa yang diciptakan oleh film tersebut. It is something we barely bear. Selain dengerin musik, atau sekedar baca novel, menurut gue nonton film tuh penting.

Menonton film, secara gak langsung kita belajar menghargai perasaan orang lain dan mengenal new role image. Dari film, kita belajar gimana ngerasain apa yang orang lain rasa.

Drama-queen. It teaches you how to love someone in such a way. You’ll never know what s/he thinks about you without asking first. Even though, you have to cry in the end.

Horror-franchise. It goosebumps you with overdone ghost face who kills everyone around. You’ll be kicked off and shocked out by the music.

Action. We learn how to stop our breath. How to wait someone who saves us when we’re in danger. How to cover us up when we’re around the criminals. And wait for the good guys to shoot and break down the violence. Wait to get something/someone good to make up the fight afterwards.

Thriller. It teaches you to REVEAL secrets what the movie tries to tell you about. While you actually shall wait untill the ending comes. And KNOW that everything just turns into a better situation, even there’s always been some people being hurt/dead.

Comedy. OF COURSE, it amuses you. It teaches you to forget what your burdens are. It makes us to share laughter one another. To forget everything that bothers you before watching the movies.


Nonton film itu penting loh kawan-kawan.

So, don’t be too serious with your daily life. Make some time to visit some cinemas, nonton film apa aja! Asal dimana kita bisa ketawa, lepas kepenatan, dan ngilangin kejenuhan :)

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