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Ruang Kelas

How Language Style in Real Life Shape Online Communication

21 Mei 2024   09:15 Diperbarui: 21 Mei 2024   09:28 55
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Interview with Muhammad Anjas,  a student  Pendidikan Masyarakat Universitas Negeri Gorontalo/dok. pri

By: Sarah Afrilia Karepesina; Supervised by: Muziatun, S.Pd, M.App. Ling, PhD

Communication through online platforms has been a part of our livelihood. Speaking in a certain way influences the way they communicate on digital platforms and reflect their identity, culture, and social background. It goes beyond words and accents. The way someone communicates in daily life whether it be official, casual, or courteous has a significant impact on how they communicate online. First of all, someone's style of writing and verbal choices on a digital platform may be influenced by their natural speech patterns. A person who is accustomed to speaking professionally, for example, may resort to a more structured language and strict grammatical rules in email oran academic discussion. On the other hand, those who tend to speak more casually in social settings may also choose to use looser and more informal language when interacting

To collect data, I conducted interviews with college students who actively use online communication in their daily lives as they fit my subject criteria of having a strong engagement with technology and online communication. The student I interviewed is Muhammad Dwi Anjas. He is a student majoring in community education. He regularly uses social media, chat and other online platforms in his daily life. Therefore, his opinions and experiences can provide valuable insights into the topic I am researching.

Language Style With Close Friends.

 When texting with close friends the language style used is casual, including slang and abbreviations. For example, when writing "wkwkwk" for laugh, "BTW" for "By The Way", or "Gimana" for "Bagaimana". The use of emojis and memes is also to add expression or humor to the conversation. These communication styles reflect perceived comfort and closeness and show that the way we communicate digitally can be heavily influenced by our social dynamics and familiarity with others.

Language Style With Older People

When sending messages to parents or elders, the style of speech used changes to be more formal and polite. Abbreviations and slang are avoided and full sentences and neater structures are used more often. For example, in writing "Apa kabar Pak/Bu?" instead of "Kabar gimana?". And not forgetting to use greetings that show respect. In this way, the use of polite and formal language not only shows respect, but also facilitates clearer communication and avoids potential misunderstandings that may arise from the use of informal language or slang that the older person may not understand.

Everyday language style has a great impact on the way people communicate online. if they are used to speaking in a casual and humorous tone in real life, this style will also be reflected in their messages. On the other hand, if they usually speak formally in a professional setting, this is also reflected in their professional emails or messages. Intonation, word choice and emotional expressions in everyday communication all translate to online communication. This shows a consistent way of communicating in the real world and in the digital world.

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