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Sarah Fazillah
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The Charm of Aceh

23 Maret 2019   13:16 Diperbarui: 23 Maret 2019   13:35 76
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Indonesia has 34 provinces which are famous by their bauty side. Aceh, one of Indonesia's province,  has its own charm which differs it to the others. One of the charm that is owned by Aceh is recreation places. Some of the places that are famous are Baiturrahman Grand Mosque, Aceh Tsunami Meseum, and PLTD Apung. 

Being known as Serambi Mekkah, Aceh has the most beautiful mosque located in the heart of Banda Aceh. The mosque is Baiturrahman Grand Mosque which is known as Mesjid Raya Baiturrahman by local populations. Baiturrahman Grand Mosque is a symbol of religious life, bravery, and nationalism of Aceh people. 

Not only famous by the place of religious symbol, Aceh also famous by historical place.  Aceh Tsunami Meseum, historical place located in Banda Aceh, is a museum designed as a symbolic reminder of earthquake and tsunami disaster in 2004. The place is interesting and many tourists visit this place to know about the most famous history of Aceh.

In addition, earthquake and tsunami which happened on December 26 th , 2004 have given significant impact not only to social life, but also environment. PLTD Apung is an electric generator ship in Banda Aceh that has become one of the tourist destination after tsunami desaster. The place was located in Ulee Lheu before tsunami and now It is located in Punge Blang Cut. 

Overall, there are many recreation places that are famous in Aceh. Those places which were described above are interesting and many tourists visit the places. 

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