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S.Cinthadiliaga Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - Energy Enthusiast

Saya sangat tertarik dengan isu isu terkini terkait energi, termasuk energy transition, renewable energy, energy literacy, energy poverty dll, saya juga tertarik belajar tentang psikologi,dan mental health.




Is the energy literacy crucial for the energy transition? How Indonesia overcome this challenge.

31 Juli 2022   17:33 Diperbarui: 31 Juli 2022   20:11 526
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

The results indicate that their energy literacy is moderate, but their understanding about the theoretical framework (basic energy knowledge, energy resources issues, common trends of energy in Indonesia and impact of individual and societal decisions related to energy) is relatively low. In addition, students know about energy problems and show their positive attitudes toward them, but they seem lack of knowledge and skills required to overcome these issues for instance they do not really know how to choose energy efficient appliances. 

Another study about energy efficiency has been conducted for Maritime Industry in 2019, the result shows that it is important to improve learning period for engineer to increase the cognitive aspects of energy literacy and to improve awareness of energy saving practice. Usually, student first learn about energy is in year 3 at the elementary school. The basic concept about energy sources and how to save it has been introduced but the reason why we must save energy and reduce emission to combat climate change, has not introduced yet.

Are they understand climate change issue?

In response to global climate change as well as distribute energy access, Indonesia set a strategy to scale up renewable electricity generation. Unfortunately, renewable energy project has made a little progress, it can be seen from the total proportion of renewable energy only reach 12,73% of the total electricity generation in 2021, which is a far behind the target of 23% in 2025. There are several reasons on delaying the target, one of them is reliable human resources to renewable energy project that consider is limited. Engineers who work in renewable electricity generation is accounted around 11% of the total engineers who work in power generation. The fact that renewable energy projects from international donor is considered unsuccessful. 

Previous study indicates that the first solar PV program were used for rural electrification during 1997 - 2003 failed due to lack of human capital; lower literacy rates and lack of knowledge transferred to the villagers about maintaining solar PV performance, also the users were less concerned about the proper operation of the installed system resulting shorter panels lifetime and unsustainable. 

Not only on the supply side but also on the demand side we set strategies to accelerate energy transition through introducing electric cooking stoves to replace gas cooking stoves, Indonesia has the highest electricity consumption rate, and only around 2.7% of people use electricity for cooking as opposed to the 23.8% ratio of LPG usage. It indicates that for households we use electricity in inefficient /in effective ways and still rely on high-carbon intensity.

What is the strategy to improve their knowledge about these issues?

This article argues that both schools and curriculum designers could cultivate enjoyment and interest to build positive attitudes, awareness, and responsibility towards the environment alongside with the development of energy literacy. Introducing energy literacy in the early childhood education including cognitive and social development aspect toward energy is important. 

The developers must participate on providing learning tools around its projects to engage with the local community and educate them through seminar, workshop, exhibitions, and other interactive event, which enabling them to learn more about energy technology as well as its problem and global climate change. This is also can be a social responsibility, where the developers and investors would assist with the education of rural and indigenous populations in surround the project area and treat them as assets for their project. 

To address this, the governments and developers should prioritize long-term compensation through education, apprenticeship, or training program for the locals, and inviting them to engage with the projects. Establishing a vocational school, university with a focus on renewable energy particularly in outside Java-Bali Island, which has abundant renewable energy potential. On the implementation of the sustainable energy future, embeddedness between society, literacy and resources management is critical point to achieve goals.

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