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"Stop Making Stupid People Famous"

21 Oktober 2018   21:34 Diperbarui: 21 Oktober 2018   21:55 183
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

"Stop making stupid people famous" is not a very uncommon sentence. I personally agree with that statement. Nowadays, we are more interested in criticizing people instead of focusing on more positive issues.

Most people are more likely to share news about stories or videos that is not really educative and even shows someone's ignorance, than sharing news about something educative and weighted. This could have made a great impact to Indonesian citizens.

Internet is now a major part of our lives and it is a platform for people to express themselves and results in being known by a lot of people. Everyone could be famous in Internet now and a lot of people want to be famous. People will do a lot of ways to be famous.

With this current mindset of Indonesian netizens who like to make stupid people famous, these people could pretend to be stupid and set things up in order to gain audience and to be known by people.

They do not care about their reputations as long as they get people's attention.  This is very wrong. We need our state to be famous for achievements and positive things. We could not achieve it if the people are trying to get 'famous' label by doing stupid things to be enjoyed by the netizens, including netizens outside of Indonesia.

There are already a lot of people who seek for people's attention by pretending to have conflict with someone, by saying stupid things, and etc. Because they know it is easy to do so and people will talk about it. We have to stop this tradition now. Stop talking about stupid things that made stupid people famous and gain popularity and profit by being stupid.

We should ignore that and focus on achievements. If we start doing that, chances are the achievers will get the recognition they deserve and people are most likely to compete in achievements to get people's attention. By paying attention on stupid people, we are the ones who get the disadvantage.

If we pay attention to people who have achievements, we will be motivated. But if we focus on the people who seek for sensation, we are not gaining any motivation or knowledge.

One thing that we need to stop doing is judging people. For example, when people are sharing video that is not really intelligent, we commented them and talk about them negatively. What we need to do is educate them, instead of judging and left hurtful comments about it. We often laughed about it but not telling them the right facts. So we have to stop judging as well and start to educate people.

In conclusion, we have to stop focusing on negative things and start appreciating the positive ones. I think the achievers in Indonesia did not get enough attention from the citizens. Instead, we laughed at stupid things that others do.

So, I personally think by start focusing on the positive things, it will improve the quality of Indonesian people. It is a good habit what we have to start doing right now. Stop giving spotlight to people who do not deserve it.

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