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Rima Gravianty Baskoro
Rima Gravianty Baskoro Mohon Tunggu... Pengacara - Trusted Listed Lawyer in Foreign Embassies || Policy Analyst and Researcher || Master of Public Policy - Monash University || Bachelor of Law - Diponegoro University ||

Associate of Chartered Institute of Arbitrators. || Vice Chairman of PERADI Young Lawyers Committee. || Officer of International Affairs Division of PERADI National Board Commission. || Co-founder of Toma Maritime Center.




The Policy of The National Vessel Usage for Coals Delivery in Indonesia: The Debates Among Stakeholders

22 Februari 2022   11:03 Diperbarui: 22 Februari 2022   11:05 336
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Table 1. Stakeholders Characteristics On The Policy Of The Obligation To Use National Vessel For Coals Delivery Transportation


Matrix 1. The positioning of stakeholders


As stated by Varvasovszky and Brugha (2000), the analyst or analyst's client may determine the level of attention to stakeholders based on the stakeholders' characteristics and the intention of the analysis. Though each stakeholders has their own involvement on the coals and transportation issues, some of stakeholders holding the same high position concerning on the interest of the issues, influence of power, and on the impact of issue on the actor. The stakeholder dynamics has their role in shaping the policy through the separation of powers which provide check and balances method, and by involving the stakeholders during the policy making. The impeachment or protest from Indonesian Association of Coal Mining and Ministry of Energy, Resources, and Mineral can be conclude as part of check and balances from the stakeholders and it is a sign that the stakeholders are involved in this policy making process.

IV.  Conclusion

After looking at the Table 1 and Matrix 1, it is important to manage each stakeholders by grouping their same interest, for example Indonesian National Shipowner Association and Indonesian Association of Coal Mining has the same interest concerning financial advantages, although they are on the different position on this policy. After finding the summarize of stakeholders status, the Ministry of Trade as the policy maker should be able to decide and stated which role that they want from the stakeholders to play in the policy by explaining the reason why this action is important, for example Ministry of Trade needs Indonesian National Shipowner Association enhance their vessel to be able to deliver all exported coals, meanwhile Indonesian Association of Coal Mining needs to lobbying the coals receiver to be agreed to this policy and enhance the coals export. The next step will be the persuasion to each stakeholders by informing their advantage if they could take part on the policy based on the needs from Ministry of Trade. To manage the stakeholders following Minister of Trade, then Minister of Trade must be able to manage them closely, to keep them satisfied, keep them informed, and monitoring them and finally take them into the policy plan from Minister of Trade.

Based on the explanations above and in relation with the theory form Varvasovszky and Brugha, finally the implications of this stakeholders analysis is we understand the position, the issues and the intention of each stakeholders. This data could be used for the analyst or analyst' client in determining the strategies in managing other stakeholders. This is because by reviewing this data, Minister of Trade should be able to choose what they want from the stakeholders, to identify the key message of the stakeholders, to identify the stakeholders communication approach, and implement the plan.


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