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Banda Aceh City

19 Maret 2019   21:32 Diperbarui: 19 Maret 2019   21:40 42
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Banda Aceh City is one of the cities in Aceh and is the capital of Aceh Province. As a center of government, Banda Aceh is the center of economic, political, social and cultural activities. 

Banda Aceh City is also the oldest Islamic city in Southeast Asia and one of the five largest Islamic kingdoms in the world keeps a variety of historical heritage sites from various periods, from the time of the Sultanate, the Dutch Colonial period, the period of joining the NKRI frame, during the conflict to tsunami. The astronomical location of Banda Aceh is 05 16'15 "-05 36'16" North Latitude and 95 16'15 "-95 22'35" East Longitude with an average height of 0.80 meters above sea level.

Aceh is a tourist gate at the door of the western part of Indonesia. With a variety of tourist destinations, history and culture, there are not a few travelers who visit the City of Mecca. When visiting Banda Aceh, you will feel a distinctive and thick Islamic culture. 

The people who dress modestly and echo the call to prayer when entering the prayer time will be heard in every corner of Banda Aceh City. Because, in the past, the Banda Aceh region once stood the Kingdom of Samudera Pasai and the Sultanate of Aceh which was characterized by Islam.

Baiturrahman Grand Mosque became the pride of the people of Banda Aceh. You can also visit this mosque which is located in the city center of Banda Aceh. This mosque looks so majestic and towering. 

This place is also the center for a variety of activities and organizations for young people.One of the most intimate histories with Banda Aceh was the events of the 2004 tsunami. A sad event that claimed hundreds of thousands of people, made the world and anyone sad. With the magnitude of the 8.9 magnitude earthquake and continued with the tsunami, making the city of Banda Aceh in ruins.

You can recall the events recorded at the Aceh Tsunami Museum. This museum stores photos of victims of the tsunami in Aceh, names of victims displayed around the walls, and information that recorded tsunami events. The museum also has a bridge of peace, on which there are flags of various countries that provide assistance and read peacefully in the country's language.

Visiting Banda Aceh will be a valuable experience. There is a lot of history to culture that you can learn.

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