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INFJ-A // SapioSexual




Mousedeer and Crocodile

14 November 2019   20:35 Diperbarui: 14 November 2019   20:56 108
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Si Kancil was a very clever mousedeer. He was the smartest animal in the jungle. Whenever he was in a bad situation, he always played tricks on the other animals and was able to escape the situation.

Si Kancil liked to look for food near the river. There were many trees near the river so he always had lots of food to eat. Si Kancil liked eating leaves from the trees. Si Kancil also liked to play near the river; he liked to run and jump near the river whilst searching for food.

Buaya was a a very big crocodile. He was the biggest buaya in the river. He was also very evil. Buaya lived in the river with all his crocodile friends. They were always waiting for the time to catch Kancil and eat him.

 One day, Si Kancil was walking along near the river, he saw some delicious fruit on the trees on the other side of the river. Si Kancil tried to think how he could cross to the other side of the river safely. He had to be careful because Buaya and his friends were in the river and he knew they wanted to eat him. SuddenlySuddenly, Si Kancil had a good idea! He called out to Buaya; "Buaya! Buaya!" Buaya came out of the river and asked Kancil; "Why are you shouting my name?" Then he opened his mouth very wide so that Si Kancil could see his big, sharp teeth.

Si Kancil said; "Of course, I am scared of you, Buaya, but the King has asked me to help him. The King is having a big party with lots of food and he is inviting all of the animals in the jungle, including you and your friends. But first, I have to count all of you so that the King knows how many crocodiles will come to the party. Please make a line, so that I can walk across your heads and count you all."

Buaya was very happy and he went searching for his friends to tell them that the King will have a big party and lots of food. SoonSoon, Buaya and all his friends came and made a line across the river. SiSi Kancil said: "Promise not to eat me because if you eat me then I can't tell the King how many crocodiles there are and then you won't be able to go to the King's party."

Buaya and his friends promised not to eat him. SiSi Kancil stepped on Buaya's head and counted; "One...". Then he stepped on all the crocodiles heads and counted them; "Two...Three...Four...Five...Six...Seven...Eight...Nine...Ten!" And he finally reached the other side of the river. Then he said to Buaya; "Thank you for helping me cross the river to my new home!"

Buaya was shocked and very angry! He shouted at Si Kancil; "You tricked me and my friends! There is no party, is there?" All of the crocodiles looked at Buaya, they were very angry with him. SiSi Kancil was very happy in his new home because he had lots of delicious food there. Si Kancil could eat fruit all day long. Poor, Buaya. After that day, none of the crocodiles wanted to be his friend again.

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