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The Type of Mall in Indonesia

14 April 2020   14:49 Diperbarui: 15 Mei 2020   14:19 232
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Indonesian people, especially those who live in big cities, are certainly familiar with malls or department stores. At present, many malls are built in Indonesia. Ranging from small malls to very large malls. From malls that only offer cheap goods outlets to malls that provide branded goods outlets. 

There are so many classifications of malls at this time that we need to know and one of them is based on the services provided to consumers. Here is the classifications of mall based on the type of services that provided. There are lifestyle mall, family mall, and trading mall.

The first mall is lifestyle mall. Lifestyle mall is built to meet the lifestyle of their consumers. Lifestyle malls are usually used only for the sake of style and hangout. This mall generally has many cafes and restaurant that can be used as a community hangout such as Starbucks, Excelso, Shushi Tei, and etc. 

Furthermore, in this mall most of the outlets are outlets of branded and luxury goods. This mall also provided various types of entertainment like Karaoke Places, Arcade Games, Vip Cinemas, and here are Bars too in this mall. 

This type of mall is generally located in an elite and exclusive area. Lifestyle malls are usually located in the capital area and close to luxury apartments and elite office areas such as Kota Casablanka, Grand Indonesia, Tunjungan Plaza, Pakuwon Mall, and etc.

The second mall is family mall. This mall is intended to meet the needs of life of consumers and their families. In this mall, there is a large and complete supermarket to meet the needs of its consumers such as Giant, Hypermart, Trans mart, and etc. 

This mall contains various outlets that sell equipment needed by families like electronics stores, furniture stores such as Informa and Ace, department stores, family restaurants, and so on. 

There are also places for recreation for families. Such as the one in Transmart that provides a mini Trans Studio as a family recreation area. Moreover, there are also arcade games like Timezone, Kidzania, And Funworld.

The last mall is trading mall. This mall is devoted to commercial activities. The design of the building is generally not given much attention and impressed like the market. 

The shape of each shop is also just like a small cubicle and has a narrow corridor, because the most important is the number of stores as much as possible and a variety of goods that can be found here. 

This mall also usually serves wholesale purchases and is often referred to as a wholesale mall. Trading malls can generally be found in commercial areas such as Pasar Tanah Abang in Jakarta, Pasar Besar in Malang, and DTC in Surabaya.

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