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Mister Maker, Make It Show in Jakarta

20 Oktober 2014   15:49 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   20:24 103
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Sunday (19/10/2014) at Gandaria City - South Jakarta, Mister Maker has become the center of attention in the mall. The occasion held great significance, as it not only conducted in Jakarta, but also marked the promotion of children's arts and crafts show, which teaches and entertains in fun and imaginative ways. The show was opened by MC Anna and Alfan Harahap who were able to entertain the kids with their public speaking ability and funny gestures.
[caption id="attachment_367661" align="aligncenter" width="499" caption="Percussion Performance from TK Citra Alam, Personal Doc."][/caption]

Before Mister Maker goes live on stage, the MC invited the kids to come up to the stage and play “knowing your senses” games. There was also a great percussion performance from TK Citra Alam. The kids used simple percussion instruments such as milk can, cooking pan and drumsticks. However, the collaboration sounds amazing, as they have been practicing for several days. Few minutes after that, main attraction goes to Mister Maker who greets the audience in Bahasa Indonesia.
[caption id="attachment_367665" align="aligncenter" width="513" caption="Mister Maker with MC, Personal Doc."]

In my opinion, one of the biggest challenges for parents is to keep their children away from poor quality TV shows. As far as I can see, Mister Maker is one of good samples of children TV series. Most of us have probably heard a quote from Albert Einstein. He said that “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand”.

Despite their lacks of evidence, those sentences have shaped my mindset to provide the best possible learning methods for my little princess. As we all know, Mister Maker is one of CBeebies shows, which is popular as BBC children's channel. If we visit the website, we can also find Audience Feedback section, where we can give our suggestion and/or complaints. Additionally, kids are able to play online games like Puzzle with three difficulty level and Make & Colour.

I was lucky enough to share this experience, because my 2,5 years daughter is a big fan of Mister Maker. Since she (still) does not know how to operate the remote TV, my wife and me always encourage her to watch educational TV shows. We both agree that TV should bring good education and learning experience. That is the reason why I never let her watch any local TV drama or variety show which might contain negative values.

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