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Joey the Smart Cat

3 Januari 2013   11:29 Diperbarui: 24 Juni 2015   18:34 78
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[caption id="attachment_218115" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Flock Of Birds ("][/caption]

Don’t just think that we’re the only smart living things here. We are but, there other animals that use great instincts. Did you ever wonder why birds can travel south in the winter time? Birds act like this is in cold countries like Canada or Europe.

They travel south because it is cold and snowy in the North. Yes, but another good reason for the birds to travel south is because of the lack of food in the snowy season. Birds eat crumbs and seeds and when it snows the harder the food is to find. Would you consider this type of behavior smarts or instinct?

Most people think rats are pests. They are considered pests because they gnaw up stuff and live in dirty places and bother human beings. But they do this to survive, and their doing a good job in it too. Rats live everywhere on earth except Antarctica.

[caption id="attachment_218119" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Penguins (Doc:"]


Antarctica is a harsh terrain of snow and ice almost everywhere. It’s even too cold for plants and trees, or flowers. That is why it’s considered a desert, not to be confused with a sand desert. There is almost no life except for the few animals that learned to adapt there. The famous species called penguins live mostly on the coast of Antarctica.

Penguins are considered birds and eat fish. Unlike other birds the Penguin has wings that are not used to fly. Their bodies are too heavy for flying. And if they could fly, it would be no use for them because they don’t scavenge seeds like most birds do. They eat fish that swim in the sea so the wings are mainly for swimming.

Fish can also live everywhere under one conclusion. There needs to be water. Water is vital for fish because they use it to breath. One interesting thing is that fresh water fish and salt water fish behave differently. Salt water fish have adapted to breath in salty water as they drink a lot of water and their kidneys work hard to get the salt out of their bodies. And fresh water fish don’t have that kind of stuff, so they die in salty water.

[caption id="attachment_218118" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="School of Fish (Doc:"]


I didn’t really talk about smart animals yet in this article so I will now, talk about my cat. Lately I moved to a new house. And my furry cat named Joey can walk back from the old house to my new house, back and forth. He does this everyday and it’s been going on for about 4 months. I know the distance between my old house and new house is quite close. But I think 1 km is far enough for a cat.

Sometimes he’s scared to go only with all the motorcycles and pedestrians walking around everywhere. So the solution was, Joey knew his neighbors pretty well, so he follows his neighbor to my house and runs right in to ask food from me. Could this either be smarts or instincts?

Maybe it could be instincts, because an animal’s purpose of life is to reproduce and eat as much as they can to survive. So he does just that, he finds the way to my house in the purpose of food, shelter and comes back to my old house to play again.

If my cat’s not finding food, he’s always sleeping. Why do cats sleep a lot? That was a question that I really wanted the answers too. And fortunately I did find the answer on Google. Based on the internet I learned that cats are known for being Crepuscular which means, active at the time of dawn, which is about 5 to 9 o’clock.

Cats like my cat Joey are still wild animals in their hearts. At dawn time their food and prey (mainly rats) is active. So when it’s not dawn time they sleep like a log. But the fun part is when it is dawn time. He jumps up and down and plays with his friend named Lucky. Also something that also thought was cute, was when Joey tries to bite his tail, just like a dog.

This is the daily adventures of my cat named Joey. I wanted to take a picture of a cat, but my mom's phone was broken. So maybe next time, and as always, thanks for reading.

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