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Nur Seta Bramadi
Nur Seta Bramadi Mohon Tunggu... Guru - Penulis Buku, Wiraswasta, Suka Musik Rock / Film Action / Game PC / Filateli / Meditasi, dan Hidup Simple.

Penulis buku: Filateli Sebagai Hobi dan Investasi (Balai Pustaka, 2001), Kursus Singkat Bahasa Inggris (BIP, 2011), Kursus Singkat Percakapan Bahasa Inggris (BIP, 2013), Kursus Singkat Bahasa Inggris Bisnis (BIP, 2016), dan Percakapan Inggris-Indonesia Bidang Keperawatan dan Rumah Sakit (BIP, 2021). Lahir dan tinggal di Jakarta. Facebook: Nurseta Bramadi.




English Conversation: All Metal Fans Must Be Rowdy and Impolite?

17 September 2022   10:30 Diperbarui: 17 September 2022   10:32 254
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B: If you say 'some'... yes, it's true. But, remember that fans of other music might have those characters too.

A: You mean, after all there's no "clean fans" in any music genre?

B: Yup. Bad attitude is very personal regardless the music preference. Some classical music fans might be alcoholic too. 

A: Okay... now is about suicidal feeling. It is said that metal music also express suicidal manner. 

B: Hmm... as far as I know, only few metal song lyrics talking about suicide. People commit suicide caused by many reasons.

A: If that so, how come many rock or metal musicians died because of suicide?

B: Maybe it's because those musicians were depressed and had personal problems. It's not merely because of metal music.

A: Is it possible for us to see "clean-looking" metal bands or metal fans?

B: Yes, it is possible. If you watch metal live performances on internet, you'll see not all the audiences look "dirty", right?

A: Hmm... yeah, you're right. In fact, I sometimes look pretty faces watching metal live concerts too. Unbelievable...

B: Hahaha... believe it. It's true. Baby Metal and Love Bites are two examples of "pretty-looking" metal bands. 

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