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The Role of Maulana Syeikh in The Frame of Bhineka Tunggal Ika as The Existence of Santri That Have Patriotism Spirit

22 Oktober 2021   23:41 Diperbarui: 22 Oktober 2021   23:45 155
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Pendidikan. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/McElspeth

This poem is manifestation of his love for the nation so that it is no wonder Santri in Islamic boarding schools in were educated with religious and patriotism spirit in accordance with the concept of Bhineka Tunggal Ika (Unity In Diversity). This is also evidenced by the existence of a "Laskar Mujahidin", namely  troop group the war against the Dutch East Indies military who returned to dominate control of the archipelago. This troop was led directly by his younger brother, TGH. Muhammad Faisal. 

Most of the military fighters were mostly from the Santri of Islamic boarding schools such as: Ahmad Nursaid, Umar, Safarul Khair. The struggle of them started from the military attack on NICA SELONG (1946). At that time, Maulana Syeikh devised an attack strategy by dividing the fighters into areas such as in the Selong City, led by TGH. 

Muhammad Faisal, and other parts of the region. This proves that Islamic intuitional education which was founded by Maulana Syeikh is not solely for the benefits of hereafter, but has great influence on the integrity of the nation so that Santri will create of patriotism spirit in accordance with the concept of Bhineka Tunggal Ika.

Besides that, in another hand, the concept of Bhineka Tunggal Ika has strong influence on life in Pesantren. Through value and moral education will lead the Santri to understand lot about the meaning of unity, absolutely this proven by the fact that there is no Pesantren only people around the Pesantren study there but, people from outside the area come to study, so it is no wonder that the spirit of unity is very strong in the life of Pesantren, for example: eating together, praying in congregation, prayer together, and other activities.

Seeing the role above, it is clear that the establishment of these two Madrasah is part of the national struggle of Maulana Syeikh and Santri to maintain Indonesian independence during the period of physical revolution and Indonesian independence diplomacy.
Learning from past event that occurred in the history of nationalism. it can provide lessons for  all of us that value and moral education is very important for the generation of nation. 

Not only that, the development of the soul of patriotism spirit in unity but also be close to the Santri, because the influence of the Santri in the boarding school is very great for the integrity of the nation and the state. This is accordance with the message of our leader Joko Widodo said that "It's not difficult to love religion and also our nation".

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