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Mrs. Mower toweled off in her steam-fogged bathroom. To her dislike, rubbing the thick cloth made her lower body jiggle as she dried off. She hanged up the white towel and wiped off the moisture from the mirror with her hand. When she saw her reflection, the comments her husband and Mr. Rungard had recently made came to mind. Her husband said she would look good in a tight pair of polyester police pants, if a pair would fit over her ass. During their last romp, he'd referred to her as a PAWG. She had to do a web search to find the term. And, like her husband, Mr. Rungard called her butt the juiciest he'd seen. The two men meant them as compliments, she knew without a doubt, but the comments made her see an over-sized butt. If she were in a rap video she might not feel as she did, but there were no cameras rolling, not at the moment at least.Her butt had been a concern of hers since she was young. Boys would pinch her and run away, laughing. These many years later, she considered her rear end her worst asset. Standing in front of the mirror, she decided to fix it, as much as she could.The next day, she handed the attendant her credit card and he gave her a year-long pass to the gym. She walked through the gym. The weights clanked, and men heaved barbells as they worked their bodies. Rows of treadmills whirred as ladies
Bergabung 26 Agustus 2020

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