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An old souls of young woman 💖 Mahasiswi




Portrait a Beauty with a Brain

3 Juni 2019   00:07 Diperbarui: 3 Juni 2019   02:26 30
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

If you are born and beauty its a god gifted to you , if you are born to be smart ,  its a gifted too. Everyone born with a blessing that god greatest gifted for his creation that's why you should to be proud , and be more grateful.

There are some people who born with a smart and beauty. Don't you believe it?

Well Taking back to the time while there are nobodys respect with a woman , a woman can't get equal as a man can be of course .

An example is on an education ,political and government ( you can read related on my previous article is it good for being feminist?)

But in this century there are so many woman who can improve them self as a success one . beside their successes carriers they are a mother too and of course a housewife .

But they contribute them self as a leader of a nations , on their department such a leader.

One of my favorite leader is Mrs.Susi Pudjiastuti she such a brave woman i ever known cause she dared to make decisions and fearless . she is minister of maritime&fisheries affairs  and she also a business woman .  Even she is only graduate from junior high school she is a smart figure . so i agree if degree doesn't show intelligence but its really important to increase knowledge.

And the second one is Mrs. Sri mulyani she is the first indonesian's who served as a director of the world bank is such an honour . before that she also  a minister of finance , she is a genius ones .

The third is najwa shihab who doesn't know her? She is the youngest but she recieves so much care from indonesian people cause she is a journalist and TV presenter . she often discusses political issues on her show called mata najwa is the famous tv shows. She also a founder of narasi TV , she is smart and beauty.

And fourth is Indonesian famous badminton players . Do you know susi susanti ? or liliana natsir both of them is a portrait of a beauty with a brain they achieve so many titles from various matches they makes Indonesian people proud.

The fact is life is hard because of fierce competition , how life will work if you dont have provisions?
Who knows on several years you'll be the cover on a times magazine or Forbes ?
So whoever you are and in what situations and conditions you are believe it if you also can be like them as long as you are working hard . Cause everyone born to be blessed .
There are no different between us beauty is when you can accept and appreciate your self and smart is if you are try to be better than yesterday and try to find your happiness in your own way.

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