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Fahmi Awaludin
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Guru (kelas) SD; Dosen B. Inggris Niaga; Suka buat modul; chatting; beristri dan memiliki anak cantik... hehehe




Please, Don't Put Grammar in English for Kids!

6 November 2015   18:31 Diperbarui: 6 November 2015   18:41 32
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

Since I join at, I try not to share grammar in English lesson for kids. 


Kids especially grade 1, 2, 3 they have base language or mother tongue is bahasa Indonesia. As a first language too, they are still making the good one while they should face a new language or second language namely English. What is matter if they have no good basic while they should learn the others like English. So that as a teacher, I try to put away the grammar and they are still learning with fun.


I just make them happy at first and give simple rule if they don't know yet.

For instance:

If a pupil doesn't know the strange word yet, please do what teacher has said.

"How do you say "tidur" in English?"


"How do you say "sleep" in Bahasa?"


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