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What is Global Warming ?

20 Maret 2018   09:26 Diperbarui: 20 Maret 2018   10:13 227
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Global warming has been affect the whole of world. We can feel the effect of global warming from weather anomaly. The anomaly like the climate in Indonesia. In Indonesia, there are 2 seasons, that is dry season and rainy season. But, in some years ago, the weather in the season is different.

From april-october, the season is dry season which is the weather "normally" have a few amount of rainfall, bright sunshine, and dry air. But, in some years ago, the weather not be like that, we have too many rainy in that time, too much cloudy etc. This is one example how anomaly happened by global warming.

And, I will tell you the most dangerous effect for each country which have border with sea, especially for archipelago countries like Indonesia, Philippines, Japan etc. Why there is dangerous effect for archipelago countries? Because of global warming, the ice and glaciers that are on the earth melt, and the water will be into the sea.

After that, volume of the sea will increase and sea level will increase which affect small island drown and the coastline is reduce. This case must be noticed by everybody. Maybe, now we have not felt the big impact. But, in the future, I think we will feel the impact, like noticed by scientist.

So, we have to decrease the effect of global warming from now. We can start from small thing, like save energy usage in our daily life. The example like,

When we plugged in battery of gadget, let released the charger from the gadget.

Turn off electricity tools when not used.

Using motor vehicles only when needed.

Save refrigerator and air conditioner usage.

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