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Thank You, BPJS

2 November 2014   03:06 Diperbarui: 17 Juni 2015   18:54 44 0
I woke up at 5.15 (5.30, usually) to a stranger telling me my father was in a motorcycle accident. Grumpy for being abruptly awakened, by such a bad news, no less, I regarded the call as fraud attempt and end the call. The phone ring again, and then a text saying that the person on the other end of the line is being serious. I called my father's number, only to find nobody answering. Tried again, and the voice of previous stranger answer my call. I end the call, thinking that this must be one sick joke. Texted my mother to warn of the possibility of the fraud attempt that, by now, must be all too familiar to everyone living in this day and age. Took my breakfast, went to the office. As usual, the damp air of my office at such an ungodly early hour due to the AC yet to be kicked up welcomed me. I sit down on my desk and turned on my computer. I can't shake the feeling of uneasiness. My throat felt to be stiffer and narrower. Called my mother. No answer. Called her again. She answered in convulsive sobs. Shit.


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