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The Dangers of Climate Change

9 Desember 2022   10:12 Diperbarui: 9 Desember 2022   16:04 72 0
Climate change is a significant change that refers to changes in temperature and long-term weather patterns. Since the 1800s, human activity has been a major driver of climate change, mainly due to the burning of fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels produces greenhouse gas emissions which trap the sun's heat and raise temperatures. Examples of greenhouse gas emissions that cause climate change include carbon dioxide and methane. This comes from using gasoline to power cars or coal to heat buildings. Energy, industry, transportation, buildings, use are some of the main emitters.

Many problems arise due to climate change. First, the damage to the marine ecosystem. The higher the CO2 level in the ocean, the more acidic the ocean conditions will be and damage the marine ecosystem, especially coral reefs0. Damaged coral reefs will disrupt the order of marine ecosystems. Second, the Problem of Food Needs Methane (CH4) and Nitrogen Oxide (N2O) emissions produced by the agricultural, plantation and agricultural industries can cause droughts and floods. If this disaster occurs, it will be difficult for us to produce agricultural and plantation products. Third, Disturbing Health and Spread of Disease. This shift in the tropics has given rise to various infectious diseases, such as malaria in the UK due to climate change.

The solution that can be taken by a civil engineer is to help the government create a green cities. To make this happen, it can be done by carrying out green construction and green building, namely by building construction that pays attention to aspects of environmental sustainability. Currently, many programs have emerged to create a green city such as Go Green, Green Living, Green Lifestyle, Green Property, Planting a Million Trees, and so on. An example of the embodiment of a green city that has been implemented in Indonesia is such as developing the concept of sustainable eco tourism, namely eco-friendly tourism based on conservation.

Climate change is a significant change that refers to changes in temperature and long-term weather patterns. Many problems arise due to climate change. The solution that can be done by a civil engineer is to help the government create green cities. Of course, this effort will not be successful if it is not supported by the whole community. So, let's protect the earth by reducing the use of fossil fuels and use them as efficiently as possible.


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