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Simple Smile

14 Januari 2015   22:39 Diperbarui: 15 Desember 2015   08:20 20 0

A German tourist is looking for directions in Paris, pulls up to a bus stop where two Americans are waiting.
"Entschuldigung, sprechen Sie Deutsch?" he asks. The two Americans just stare at him.
"Parlez-vous français?" he says.
The two continue to stare, so the German tries again "Parlate italiano?"
No response. "¿Hablan ustedes español?" Still nothing. Frustrated, the German guy drives off.
The first American says, "You know, we should learn a foreign language."
"Why?" asks the other. "He knew four languages, and it didn't do him any good."
(my favorite anecdote from Reader's Digest, noted down some time ago)

A Best Friend

A man asked his friend who comes to be called a bookworm why he always goes on his own anywhere.
“Hey dude, are you always going on your own? Once a while, get a girl to go on a date. Enjoy this life!” he suggested.
The bookworm closed his book and said, “Something wrong. I’m never going on my own everywhere. I’m going with my best friend always.”
The man was snorting and giving the raspberry, “Don’t tell me that that is your best friend. (Pointed at his book).
“Nope.” He shook his head. “But this is
my best friend.” (Showed a little worm on a glass tube).
(this is my own writing, some time ago. and hopefully it did suit to be called as an anecdote ☺)

Nine Nindya♥


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