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Custom Denim Jacket

7 Juli 2020   01:48 Diperbarui: 7 Juli 2020   02:05 25 0
Hello everyone,let me introduce my self name is Ariq Gibran Malik, I am a student who studies at one of the campuses in Jakarta, my daily life is like a student in general, that is studying, but besides studying I also undergo a fairly thriving business, Custom denim jacket . I started this business from trying to draw my own denim jacket that I had in 2016 and I was in middle school, when the painting I produced wasn't very good because I was a beginner and didn't have the experience to draw on clothing products, I was increasingly interested to continue drawing my denim jacket, I saved up to buy a few jackets and then I drew it, on the other hand there was a reason why I continued to custom the clothes I had because if I wore clothes that were different from the others I felt there was satisfaction when wearing them, I really like to do different things and maybe people rarely do it. As time went by the jackets that I made had increased and finally I started uploading my work on my personal social media, unexpectedly there were many good responses from my friends about this custom jacket, some of them asked to be made and I accepted the offer, of all those who asked there were some who asked to be made free, I refused the offer because I needed energy, money and also time to do it.


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