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The Importance of Bilingualism in The Role of Preventing Alzheimer

14 November 2021   11:15 Diperbarui: 4 Januari 2024   18:38 114 0
Human will get older and will decrease body functions, especially the brain. Increasing age will affect the way the human's brain works and thinks. The signs of decreasing brain work are like, we might experience difficulty remembering certain things like recent events or conversations, feeling lost in a place we have been to, forget someone's name, and all other kinds of forgetfulness. Those are all symptoms of decreased brain work and it is called dementia or Alzheimer. It usually affects elderly, people aged 65 to 80 years old and over. It is a scary disease for people because who wants to forget everything?  However, human can prevent it by practicing or speaking two languages. Neuroscientists stated that learning a second language keeps human from the effects of dementia and Alzheimer's.


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