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Dear Pak Prabowo, Would You be Our Hero?

22 Agustus 2014   01:13 Diperbarui: 18 Juni 2015   02:55 1409 13
Akhirnya saya putuskan untuk mempublikasikan aspirasi politik saya untuk kedua kalinya. Kali ini berupa surat terbuka untuk Pak Prabowo. Curahan hati ini terpicu oleh wawancara Pak Prabowo di BBC News Impact 11 Juli 2014 (silakan saja nonton videonya di youtube). Mungkin karena itulah otak saya berpikir dalam bahasa inggris waktu itu. Jadi deh surat terbukanya dalam bahasa Inggris. Ini murni aspirasi pribadi. Saya tidak mengajak orang lain untuk berpandangan sama. Tapi saya juga akan menghargai jika pandangan saya ini dibiarkan, dan tidak perlu dicaci maki. Lakum dii nukum waliyadiin. Biarkan aku dengan keyakinanku, kamu dengan keyakinanku. Akan selalu ada jalan damai untuk mufakat: karena kita selalu bisa bersepakat untuk tidak bersepakat. Agree to disagree :)

Sekian prolognya, berikut curahan hati saya untuk Pak Prabowo.

Dear Pak Prabowo,

I was enchanted by your charisma, also by your high spirit and patriotic vision to work for a more prosperous Indonesia. I gave my vote for your party several times, but why do you now seem to be blinded by your ambition to be our president?  What in the world happened to you? Your coallition scares me. Your own quick counts bother me. Your inconsistent attitude on election result, disappoints me. You have massive wealth. You are actually the wealthiest presidential candidate. Why does it seem that to you there is only one way to bring indonesia to be more prosperous? Do you have to be our president first before you can make us prosperer and re-become the Macan Asia?

Well, do you know Bill Gates, Pak? He is not a president of any countries but his work and wealth have helped and stimulated a lot positive changes in the world. I hope you know him. I also hope that instead of aspiring to become our “Bung Karno”, you can eventually realize that it will be much more useful if you would become our “Bill Gates”.

I believe you know that our average year of education attainment is only about 8 years. Most Indonesians do not even finish junior high school. There are about 28 million of Indonesians living “below” the poverty line, but almost 100 million others live “around” the poverty line. Our farmers’ average land ownership is only around 0.3 – 0.5 hectars per person. How can we expect them to produce our food efficiently?

You claim you want to promote Koperasi. Do you know that most of our Koperasi’s management teams are incompetent? Many don’t even know how to turn on a computer. I don’t really know what contributions you have managed to give through your HKTI, but in the future, can you try providing more training for our Koperasi of farmers? Because I don’t see you have done enough. I am more assured now. As you clearly are aware that we have a bunch of problems and yet you choose to use most of your energy for not accepting the election result in which you lose for about 8 million votes. Thank you very much for disturbing our peace of mind. Thanks a lot for slowing our pace to move on to our usual daily life, Pak.

Well, I have written a lot. But seriously Pak, I do still hope that you will never stop trying to save our nation. I also hope that you will not come back to your peaceful private life accompanied by many horses. We definitely still need your care, attention, spirit, and also money (probably) to improve our prosperity. You are our public figure. Like Pak Jokowi said: “Pak Prabowo dan Pak Hatta adalah patriot dan negarawan”. The formal announcement from KPU have told us that you are not our elected President. Nevertheless Pak, please believe, that it does not mean you can no longer be our hero. So please Pak Macan, show us that you can still be our hero, our patriot, and our negarawan. Would you, Pak? One more time, with the spirit of forgiveness and back to fitrah of Idul Fitri. Would you, Pak?

With respect and hope,
Dewi Meisari
(Bagian dari 0.24% rakyat Indonesia yg lulus S2, peduli nasib bangsa, dan kebetulan cukup bisa berbahasa Inggris kaya Bapak yg tetap bisa faseh ngomong Inggris waktu jawab pewarta BBC, walau sedang tampak emosi).

Draft awal surat ini tersusun sejak kami dibuat heboh sama jawaban interview bapak di BBC – Impact. Tadinya buat diary aja. Tapi karena Bapak begitu kelakuannya, curhat lebay mulu lewat video pesan prabowo segala, akhirnya saya publish aja juga deh curhatan saya ini. Kan konstitusi kita melindungi kebebasan untuk berserikat, berkumpul, dan mengeluarkan pendapat (UUD 45, pasal 28E, ayat 3). Orang-orang pada mau lebaran, bapak bukannya bikin tenang, malah sebarkan pesan menakutkan, pesimis, dan provokatif. Saya tidak percaya dengan kebanyakan isi dari pesan bapak itu. Karena selain lemah didukung data, analisis saya pribadi memprediksi bahwa kesejahteraan Indonesia bisa cerah selama pemerintah kerja bener. Potensi di anak muda sekarang luar biasa lo Pak. Belum lagi yang kalangan Diaspora. Kalo pemerintah garap bener bakat-bakat ini, bisa luar biasa. Jadi mohon Bapak jangan malah sebarkan ketakutan dan pesimisme. Kita Bisa, Pak! Salam 3 jari dan mohon maaf lahir batin ya Pak :)


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