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Education that Can be Taken from The Film "Pirates of Silicon Valley (1999)"

29 November 2020   14:35 Diperbarui: 29 November 2020   15:03 350 2
His film is a true story from the career of Steven Jobs who started Apple and Bill Gates who founded Microsoft. They both compete with each other, starting with Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak studying at a university in California. At that time there was a demonstration of the disagreement with the United States' involvement in the Vietnam war. Currently, Steve and Wozniak are experimenting to create a blue box, this object is like a payphone but without using money or money if you want to call. However, this did not last long and they became the target of the police because the goods were illegal. Steve Jobs did not just give up, he continued to work and tried to create technology, namely computers, even though he had to fall and go bankrupt several times, until one day Steve Jobs was lucky because their computers were sold and made the Apple II into a market that could compete with IBM.

Meanwhile, Bill Gates and Paul Allen continued to create Microsoft which was still unknown to many people, and began to offer it to MITS and Microsoft they were accepted by MITS. It does not stop here, they continue to develop their business and seek a lot of capital to improve their work and their place of work which is only in a slum motel. Seeing Apple's success, Bill Gates upgraded Microsoft to an operating system capable of integrating with a computer which he named Disk Operating System. From here, Microsoft became known by many people and widely used and he replaced the top position of Steve Jobs and became the richest person.

From this film there are many messages that we can get, starting from a dream that will come true by working hard. Never give up and don't give up when you experience many failures. In this film, we also get an education which states that technology is also very influential in life, especially in the field of education today. Without these technologies in this pandemic period, it would be very difficult to communicate or learn and make things messy. Due to the rapid development of technology, which we used to do directly, we are now able to only use technology to get everything. So in conclusion technology can develop and educate in the world of education.


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