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Formation of UNISA Yogyakarta Student Digital Marketing Training Program Group

29 November 2022   14:20 Diperbarui: 29 November 2022   14:39 82 0

Entering October, the time has come for students throughout Indonesia to restart their study activities. UNISA Yogyakarta students are no exception. Unlike the previous semester, this time the 2020 class of UNISA Yogyakata students took part in MBKM activities which were divided into 3 namely, regular, student exchange, and BUMN houses. October 5, 2022 is the first meeting of students with BUMN home builders (RuBY).

In the first meeting there was no material presented, but it was explained that students in the RuBY program this time would learn about digital marketing which would later be directly guided by a copywriter named Bondan Satria. The unique thing is that students don't only learn about digital marketing but later they will also practice it directly. Students are formed into groups consisting of 2 students and 1 MSME. Later students have to create digital marketing content for the UMKM they get.

This program will last for 2 months, where in the first 1 month they will focus on learning about digital marketing. In the second month, they will practice the material that was previously provided by directly assisting the sales process of the MSMEs they hold. It is hoped that this program will run well and improve the skills and knowledge of UNISA Yogyakarta students.


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