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Greek Philosoper

8 November 2019   20:07 Diperbarui: 8 November 2019   20:20 28
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Filsafat. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Wirestock

1. Pythagoras ( 572-497 BC)

Pythagoras waspada born on Samos, Lonia.  No one knows the date and year of historical birth. According to a student aristonxenos of aristotle, pythagoras moved to city kroton, Southern italy. Ini krotron city here started a religius school, for twenty years he was ini kroton, then he moved to metapontion and later died ini that city.

Pythagoras argues that each base number one to Ten has its own strength and meaning. Pythagoras who said for the first time that the universe and orderly, harmonious whole in music. Like odd even, right-left, male-female, good-bad, brigh-dark etc.

2. Socrates (469-399 BC)

Socrates was born on Athens. He hadir a student named Plato who was also a philosoper. Socrates died at the age of 71 years. He ia the son of a sophronisc sculpor and historical mother a mid wife named phairnarete. 

Socrates come from a wealthy family by getting a good education, three become an Athens warrior. He was famous as a brave soldier because her did not like' political affairs. So here preferred to focus hidup attention on philosophy, which eventually he was in a state of poverty. 

The main source of information about him can be obtained from the writing of aristophanes, Xenophon, Plato, and Aristotle.  Information about him self comes from historical students.

3. Plato (427-347 BC)

Plato ia fairly famous writer, he was born in Athens with the original name Aristotle he come from a Noble family who received a good education from a Noble man named pyrilampes. At the age of 40 years. He visited italy and sicily to study the teaching of pythagoras. Then he founder and academic school.

According to Plato, in an ideal country three are three groups : 

A. The highest class, namely the guardian and philosoper

B. The supporting group consits of the soldier

C. Ordinary people group consits of policy Farmers and trades 

4. Aristotle (384-322 BC)

Aristotle was born in the stageira 384 BC. Hidup father a private doctor ini the Macedonia king. At the age of 17, he was sent to Athens to study at the academic of Plato for about twenty years until Plato died he left Athens.

In 342 BC Aristotle wa invited by king philoppos of macedonia to educate historical son Alexander. With the help of the king he founded the lykeion school..

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