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Radio Broadcast Helps The Teachers to Educate The Entire Student during Covid - 19 in All Indonesian Areas

5 Mei 2020   09:00 Diperbarui: 5 Mei 2020   09:04 209
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Nowadays, all of schools in Indonesia from Sabang till Merauke have been stopped for a while by the regional government. This is done for the sake of stopping the spreading of corona breakout which its level can be categorized “severe’, and its infection is really fast, and it can infect the whole people around the world without seeing the age, status, occupation and social levels in a society.

Badly, there are many effects caused by this breakout, not only financial and health’s matter, but also the educational systems which all students are free for uncertain time. 

The minister of Education & Culture in Indonesia (Mr. Nadiem Anwar Makarim) in his speech, he stated that “the whole of educational systems and its devices (specially, teachers and scholars) in all Indonesian areas must be patient, creative and having a wisdom from this covid -19”.

“Studying is not always easy, but this time is to make an innovation. This is the right time to do a wide range of experiments and listening to our own conscience, so our nation gets better in the future” (Mr. Nadiem’s speech in Education Day - HARDIKNAS, May 2, 2020).

At present, there is no graduation anymore for all students who have finished their studies, particularly at high school and university. As we know that the ceremony of graduation is kind of the big pride for all students for their entire life, which they are successful to finish their last tasks and giving the huge achievement to their respective parents. Unfortunately, this thing must be postponed for the time beings, because the breakout of corona is becoming the global situation around the world now.

The activity of teaching right now is established by online program. The entire lecture from primary till college teaches all of its pupils with online lesson which the number of lessons are introduced by media of internet. There are some applications used by teachers, such as: Zoom, Skype, Google classroom, TeamViewers, etc.

The whole of these apps are really essential for students who are following the online classes now. Most of scholars are using the laptop or mobile to open all these applications. Besides, they can also meet with their teachers face to face during online class, and it unable to have a long discussion.

Interestingly, some pupils also borrow their parents’ handphone to have an online class. They just install meeting online applications as I mentioned above. I think that it is good idea for the whole of parents’ groups, which they can supervise their children directly from house. By the helping of sophisticated technology, the figure of scholars are able get class during the difficult situation right now.

However, there is little bit of issue about the online teaching. Because most of Indonesian areas are still in remote areas, so it is really difficult to get the internet access. As a result, some students who are living far away from city are not able to reach the online class. 

Besides, in order to get for internet access, the students must buy a credit of internet data by using data card (called “kartu data” from several provider internets (such as: Telkomsel, Axis, Indosat and XL) which its cost is rather expensive for the capacity more than 5G. Moreover, they have to go special shop (called counter) to top up the balance of credit.

This is kind of additional burden for each student’s parents whose a lower economical background. They are still struggling so hardly to get some money for fulfilling the daily life of household, so there are number of students are not able to follow teacher’s lesson during staying at home for quarantine.

In order to handle with this issue, probably the best way to teach the students during covid - 19 is to have a broadcast via radio. I personally believe that this way is kind of best option to reach all pupils wherever they are. Besides, it doesn’t need cost at all for students, and they are able to stay in one place to study together. Furthermore, this option is really suitable for remote area who are not able to be reached by internet devices.

Indonesian Republic Radio or called Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI) presents the special broadcasting program to educate all students during staying at home. The program who is titled “Studying at RRI” gives a chance to the teachers to teach on the air with different subjects. Besides, there is also special program to convey about the information of Covid - 19 which is communicated by the teachers how to deal with this virus.

Teachers only prepare a short module to be broadcasted, and student just listen to the radio at their respective home and preparing some notes. Actually, this looks like listening to the music on the radio, and it is really interesting way to support the vision & mission of education in Indonesia. 

When the lectures are on the air, students can also give some questions by having a chat via WhatsApp, so there is an interesting interaction between teachers and students.

The most important thing is to build the emotional feelings between tutor and student during studying at home which most of students are nostalgic about their teachers, classmates, canteens and playing some games during the break time. Furthermore, studying on the Radio is kind of effective way and it is more interactive which it can influence students’ mindset & paradigm to be more creative and enthusiastic.

I think some schools in Indonesia have already asked the teachers for teaching via radio streaming. Not only using some meeting online applications, but it can be done by broadcasting on the air. 

This is real innovation how to utilize a lot of resources of technology to support the Indonesian education system, so the entire scholar in different islands (specially in a remote area) is not behind of time to get some knowledge from the number of modules.   

I just write this article to give a support for all of teachers in Indonesia. They really struggle to increase the quality of education in our homeland, especially how to teach the whole of group students during covid - 19. They do not need an excess appreciation, but they would like to see the students being clever and reliable.

These days, the entire teacher is not behind the scene, but they are at forefront. If they are soldiers, they are in the battle and standing up in the front line to teach all their students during the crisis of corona. They are real “hero” for Indonesian education, even though they are still far away from the welfare actually. They make a point to form young generation’s character in order to build our country headed for the development of Industry 4.0.

Heri Bertus A Toupa

Rijswijk - 05/05/2020

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