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Million Stories Behind The Cup of Coffee in Banda Aceh

29 Maret 2019   01:12 Diperbarui: 29 Maret 2019   01:47 33
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Travel. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Jcomp

Coffee culture is something that is already quite familiar in the lives of the people of Indonesia, seen from the many variants of coffee specialties from various regions of Indonesia. In addition type of coffee that drew with various peculiarities of taste and processing, there is also a way of presenting the coffee is no less interesting that we can meet in different regions of the country. 

Aceh especially, have a coffee culture that is very familiar in the local community.It is undeniable in the millennial era, teenager and adults to gather or just hang out in a coffee shop, talking about important things or just a joke to unwind after work. Aceh is rich in coffee results with extensive coffee plantations, especially in central of  Aceh but Banda Aceh city utilize many coffee by opening a coffee shop with wifi plus 24 hours was the main attraction.

Various coffee shops can be found in various parts of the city, and almost entirely serves a diverse menu of coffee drinks. There is one variant of coffee with a distinctive taste and unique, namely Sanger coffee. Consists of a mixture of black coffee and sweetened condensed milk mixed with sugar, coffee beans themselves using the type of arabica or robusta. Dubbed as cappucino of Aceh, Coffee drinks have abundant froth with a brownish color.

The aroma of filter coffee tasted so sweet and fragrant. Own flavor is very delicious, like coffee with milk, but with a strong coffee flavor and good sweetness.Be the one typical drink of Aceh, Sanger had coffee enjoyment to the people of all ages, both young and old.

That's why the city of Banda Aceh city was dubbed as a coffee shop in 1001 with the number of coffee shops that exist to spread to remote villages and offers many variants of coffee especially specialty coffee Aceh is "Sanger" itself.

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