Mohon tunggu...
Liandri V
Liandri V Mohon Tunggu... -

ordinary people





18 Februari 2012   16:05 Diperbarui: 25 Juni 2015   19:29 63
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I just can not sleep.

This is my second week, facing the hard life in this capital city.
The people, environment, even the atmosphere are totally different.
I felt totally discomfort. It is not the comfort zone i am searching for.
I do realize why do I must came here and struggle with this life.

There are moments when I enjoyed a lot the living things surround me, and at the other time I got the opposite.
I stayed up almost every night.
Even though i was so exhausted, but still I can not rest my eyes, especially my soul.
Maybe I just can't live this way.
Living this moment, I am standing in two ways separated.
I am living far away from my soul-mate, but of course I may not act like a single lady.

I really wish that he will come and lives here with me.
Actually, no matter where we live at, what are we doing for the living, how much money we earn and spend..the main and most important thing, is a wife should live with the husband.

Not to be so hypocrite.
I know people mostly say and think, that a family may disturb a woman's career and a career may crush the woman's family.
I totally disagree.
That is only my own opinion, people may agree or not with my point of view, as i may choose my own stand with the statement above.

For me, the ups and downs of career comes from the support and understanding form the spouse,at my case,,comes from my hubby.
And of course, back to the commitment we made since the day we vow to each other...

(i'll type a lot about that in my next post; A Husband's love for A Wife's Career)

Mohon tunggu...

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