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Feiliana Maria
Feiliana Maria Mohon Tunggu... -




Please Spend Your Time to Read This

24 Mei 2016   09:29 Diperbarui: 24 Mei 2016   09:37 35
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Okay, in this article i want to tell u that ur children is a reflection of urself. U angry with ur children because they have a bad attitude, they lied to u, they gets angry quickly. But trust me, everything happens for a reason. Ur children did that because of YOU. 

If ur children gets angry quickly the reason might be u have not praised the enough. They only get attention MISBEHAVING

If ur children intentionally disturbs you, it’s bcs u aren’t physically affectionate enough and they only want ur time. Is it wrong?

If ur child is LYING, it means u OVERREACTED to the mistakes in the past. Oh come on, we still young and make some mistakes but u always judge and punish us. U said that we are a fool human, a btch, a dog etc. We are ur children if we are a dog, u are a dog too right?

Ur child is lying to u because u have no time to talk with ur child. They want to give u the truth but u never give them a little bit of ur time. U use ur time to procure money and wealth. U want ur children to have a good attitude but u never standing by their side. Remember this, money and wealth are important for us but time is more important. With money, u can buy MANY THINGS not EVERYTHING. But, can money turn back the time? Let’s open ur mind! Ur child just want ur time. Time can make ur money but can money make ur time? 

U can buy a sex with money but can’t buy a love

U can buy an education with money but can’t buy a knowledge 

U can buy a doctor with money but can’t buy a good health

U can buy a house with money but can’t buy a home

U can buy a position but can’t buy a respect

U can buy a blood but can’t buy a life

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