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Immigration New Role at New Normal

25 Oktober 2020   07:13 Diperbarui: 25 Oktober 2020   07:29 113
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Humaniora. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/San Fermin Pamplona

It has been long time I don't write in this kompasiana. My activity and working which are busy make me leave writing for a long time. While in my free time, I write again about information as general concerning of immigration which maybe for every unknow person in immigration, this information can add a knowledge to them. 

In June 4th, 2020, based on General Secretary of Ministry of Law and Human Rights commandement about Work System of Employee toward New Normal for Civil Employee of Ministry of Law and Human Rights, all of civil employee in this ministry must adapt to the new normal system. 

This order also based on Minister of Utilization of State Aparature and Birocration Reformation Letter Number 58 in 2020 about Working System of Civil Employee in New Normal System. 

 From June 5th 2020, all of State Civil Employee have to execute official task either in office (Work From Office/WFO) or in each home (Work From Home) based to day and work hour which has decided. How is the mechanism of Work From Office and Work From Home execution?

 Work pattern of Work From Office, civil employee must leave home in healthy condition. On the way, they are obliged to wear mask, to keep distance, and not to touch part of sensitive body such as eyes, nose, and mouth. 

If they have arrived at office, they have to do health protocol such as washing hand, cleaning working place, and keeping distance. And also, every employee must wear long sleeve uniform.

 Following up this matter, since June 15th, all of Immigration Officer have been opening application queue through APAPO (Antrian Paspor Online). But if they are not in urgent condition, it should postpone the passport request. Why?

 1. Queue quota is limited

According to Immigration General Director form letter about implementation of immigration duty and function in new normal system, it is explained that the whole of Immigration Office in Indonesia only serves passport publishing request with the maximum quota 50 percent of queue quota in new normal time. Furthermore, the number of officer must be diminished to due of implementation of physical distancing at minimum 1-2 meter.

 2. Not get a fee for passport holder which is expired its duration

One of apprehensiveness which is frequently felt by people is the cost fee which will be got if passport is expired its duration and not yet do prolongation. That matter is not true. 

Because as information from Immigration General Director in various available media channel, there is no obligation to prolong passport duration if it is expired and there is no fee that must be paid.

Few days ago, we got information from WA which is Form Letter from MenPan-RB concerning covid-19 growth significantly. For the region which is got red zone, the number of employee who does Work From Office must be 25%. 

If in yellow zone, 50%, if in low risk Covid-19 75%, if its region doesn't get effect, the number of employee can reach to 100% to do WFO (Work From Office).

Following up this matter, the chief office of Pemalang immigration make a policy to do WFO in turns every day till Friday. This is to minimalize Covid-19 spreading in my office.  I hope this pandemic can finish soon.

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