Mohon tunggu...
Afi Mohon Tunggu... pelajar/mahasiswa -

A casual and sporty young lady. Living in Semarang, Indonesia.



Trip Pilihan

"Understanding China-Indonesia; Exploring Culture, Exchanging Ideas"

20 Mei 2018   15:40 Diperbarui: 20 Mei 2018   16:12 577
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I am a big fan of Chinese pop music since 2016. I always put Chinese songs on my daily playlist. Some of Chinese musicians inspired me to learn more about life through their creations, although I do not speak the language. Then, from that fondness, I started to learn Mandarin by myself through YouTube or some Chinese learning websites. Sometimes, I watch Chinese TV shows or other pop culture products as well for stimulating my listening skill of that language. As time passed by, I knew that I started to fall in love with China and put it into the number one dream country list of mine.

I have never thought that writing about something that was really familiar for me -and definitely something I love the most-, would deliver me to a whole package of 'gift' named "Write to China" with new bundles of knowledge, joy, experience, and of course family.

The First Rendezvous

Only several hours before catching the flight to China, Le Meridien Hotel Jakarta became the place where I met new people --who later became family- from Write to China essay competition winners and committee from Foreign Policy Community of Indonesia (FPCI). I had no expectation at that time, but I was surprised by those people. The 19 other students I met that night were very friendly and fun. That moment also became the first time we knew our persons in charge; Kak Zhifa, Kak Ray, Kak Laras and Kak Andika from FPCI. They told us what to prepare both mentally and physically during the trip. We were also told about culture shock we might feel and how to deal with it. Then, in the next morning, we were heading to the airport.

We met James for the first time at Xiamen Gaoqi International Airport. He was the one who would be the leader of Chinese committee during our trip in Fujian Provice. He gave us the schedule for the next one week while being on the way to Royal Victoria Hotel, our first rendezvous. I still remember that moment when we met each other for the first time, then had a very warm conversation. 

I and 4 other Indonesian friends became one team with 5 Minnan Normal University students. Then, at the welcoming dinner, we sat on the round table, met the big groups, and introduce ourselves to all the people there. The first rendezvous was very memorable, but all the things started to be more fun since we knew deeply and personally on the trip.

Fujian Province Trip

During seven days trip in China, we visited some universities, such as Xiamen University, Jimei University, Minnan Normal University and Sanming University. The 20 Chinese friends who participated in this programme came from these four universities. We also visited some big corporations, community office, nature and heritage sites that located in different cities of Fujian Province.

Xiamen University was the first university we visited, and it was actually one of the best university in Fujian Province, even in China. We were welcomed by the professors and staffs, and had discussion with them about the university. We got the same warm welcome from Jimei University, Minnan Normal University and Sanming University. 

The students who came from each University took us to stroll around the campus and guided us there. Those universities also prepared some kinds of performance for us, and mostly about Chinese culture. One thing that made me surprised was the performers. They were not only consists of Chinese students, but also international students. Then, I thought that these four universities were very open to international students, and gave them opportunities to associate and learn together with Chinese students.

Beside the discussions and campus tour, we were treated to enjoy the leisure part of university life. We enjoyed the beautiful sceneries around Xiamen University and some of us got chance to took a photo in front of the phenomenal 我爱你再见 (Pinyin : Wo Ai Ni Zaijian, English : 'I Love You, Good Bye') wall. We were also invited to see the beautiful city view around Jimei University from 23rd floor. Then, all of us learned how to make traditional Chinese paper cut art from a master of Chinese paper cut art at Minnan Normal University. It was different from Sanming University that gave us chance to enjoyed many kinds of student creations' in fashion, handycrafts, and so on almost in every corner of university. All these universities also had large sports fields. It means, university also considered the physical needs of the students.

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