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Desi Handayani Sagala
Desi Handayani Sagala Mohon Tunggu... Editor - Gov Public Relations | Social Causes Enthusiast

Seorang Praktisi Kehumasan Pemerintah yang mencoba menerangkan isu-isu kebijakan yang berkaitan dengan dampak sosial sekitar berdasarkan pengalaman dan pengamatan lewat tulisan dari kaca mata individu.




How We Treat Others, Lesson from "Joker"

6 Oktober 2019   18:48 Diperbarui: 10 Oktober 2019   14:46 138
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Some of you guys may be already watched Joker Movie. Someone who has a gentle-heart and kindness that change into a monster-psycho. Most people might be judged Joker as evil human and insane one. Yap he is indeed diagnosed with mental ilness and has to consume medicine.

Is he truly evil and crazy person? I don't think so. I am disagree with the judgement of psycho to him. I mean he is not human who was born as killer, he just try to defend himself from the people who treat him badly and from an unfairness on his life. Even when at his adults age, using a gun is new thing for him.  And he use it just for stand up himself after his friend of mine suggest him to suppose has it at least.

I believe the sense of his insane feeling is not because of himself, but it is caused by other human arround him. The way he is treated by others changes a kindness man to be a damn evil. It was begun when he is grew up by woman who also through her nightmare life since young. Adopted by a kind of mother like her is never been his choice, isn't?But he kills people finally....

That's true but he doesn't kills in order to get the benefit such as money and position. He doesn't kills anyone, just the people who treat him worst.

Then take a look at how his friends and strange is always tend to look down him. The act makes him feel to be punched deeply. There are too much hurt and unfairness. The more he is hurted, the more he is insane. Is it truly his mistake? Again, I don't think so. He is so helpless and truly doubt, but he is a kind guy actualy.

But the point I learn from this movie is not about how pity and sad of Joker's life. Otherwise, the way we treat people is can be truly impacted for themselves. We might be unconsciously have ever underestimate people. It might be unaffected for our own life, but have we ever think how it is impacted for other's life. Or we even don't care about it at all. 

That's why it so usual to find people judged someone's life on social media easily. The other sample is when we look down others whom we think are not the same level with us either education or economic aspects. Then at working place for example, we might be ever feel inappropriate to treat the employee which isn't the same level with us such as the cleaner or the kind else.

The other points on this movie teach us to truly accepting ourself no matter what, learn to grateful a little things on life even though it looks unfair, and accept the fact that there are some situations or things we cannot changes.

The points above is one of elements that I think Joker has not. Unacceptable himself and his trouble life are slowly but surely killed him a day by day. Furthermore he ignore his existence in this world. Remember Joker's most memorable quote that say "I hope my death makes more sense than my life."

Thus, if we have Joker's life in real, would we change into the same Joker on movie or otherwise we can decide to be another Joker who prefer accepting our own self and condition that we can't change, and keep to be human who act people as human as well?

May be we can find the answer until we through it, isn't?

*maaf sebelumnya artikel ini ditulis dalam bahasa inggris, untuk latihan saja. Terima kasih*

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