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David NurHadi
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Ilmu Alam & Tekno

About Scientific Management from Federick Winslow Taylor

20 Oktober 2023   09:48 Diperbarui: 20 Oktober 2023   09:49 84
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Ilmu Alam dan Teknologi. Sumber ilustrasi: PEXELS/Anthony

Frederick Winslow Taylor is known as the Father of Scientific Management, also known by the term or nickname "Taylorism". Taylor thinks and believes about the role and responsibilities as a manager, a manufacturing manager must be able to determine the best way for workers to do a job and prepare everything the workers need, including providing the right tools and training. Taylor also believed that incentivizing worker tasks could improve employee performance.


Taylor did the best way to do work, Taylor divided the work into very small activities and used a stopwatch to measure the speed of time in each activity. Taylor then analyzed the actions used to eliminate detrimental activities and Taylor created a method that saved time and was more efficient for doing the work being done. Taylor trains workers to perform tasks using the same method and leads to efficient performance and produces results of consistent quality.


Taylor's work throughout his professional life was aimed at increasing productivity, profitability, and increasing productivity without putting too much pressure on workers. Taylor believes that by providing work that is suitable and the benefits obtained by workers, the results given by workers and what they get will increase rather than just paying workers for tasks that are less efficient. for increased output rather than just paying for the work.

The "Scientific Management" movement began in the factories of Philadelphia in the twentieth century. Scientific management spread significantly and became a change in management techniques with popular conceptions of society related to industrial society. Taylor argues that the system only looks for the "one best way" to do all tasks. The advent of all time engineers and the assembly line gave industrial engineers the name of a dreary and mechanical organization. Taylor's supporters gave a positive impression of scientific management as a guide for transformative increases in productivity that could improve the lives of workers.


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