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"Earth Project Called Cyronium"

20 Juni 2018   11:27 Diperbarui: 20 Juni 2018   11:28 755
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.

After cyronium, we will build an economic ecosystem. We use social media platforms such as FB, IG and many more, and soon we will present the "economic media". It is no longer a social media (sosmed), but an economic media (ecomed). 

A means of meeting between demand-supply, funder-projects, service-product, cutting the supply chain, facilitating distribution, finding raw materials, finding technology, bringing together 15 million interior designers with space / home owners, bringing together 10 million architects with building owners, dentist, lawyer, accountant, knitting industry, food estate, and thousands of world businesses and millions and even billions of economic crushers from services, upstream to downstream products. We believe cryptoaset will soon be listed in thousands of businesses, personal, small, yet solid and profitable, whose numbers and effects will beat the New York stock exchange! 

Many will ridicule this cryptoasset, even many will laugh at this project. It is common and we understand. But for those who believe in these early days, you are all who will take a position in the history of the world as a reformer.

I'm sure your great-great-great-great-grandchild is admiring you, as "first believer" and developing cyronium, saving cyronium, promoting cyronium, building a cyronium ecosystem, you contribute to making new benefits on behalf of humanitarians. Isn't it look idealistic? Look impossible? We will prove it together. #cyronium #peace

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