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Bryant Arif Lieputra
Bryant Arif Lieputra Mohon Tunggu... Freelancer - IDK





To Prevent Corona and Beyond

6 April 2020   13:37 Diperbarui: 6 April 2020   13:42 38
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As the spread of Corona seems to be getting faster and faster by the day, each and every country has gone on a lock down or as they call it quarantine. So, why is it that Indonesia, a country that's infamous for not being "clean", has not gone on a lock down. Well, the reason is we cannot afford one, not the government, not the country itself, but the general public itself. Because Indonesia is a very wide country, with thousands of occupied islands, there will of course be a inequality of domain upbringing, and that really affects how the government works.

As the inequality spreads, most people from rural and/or underdeveloped area tends to go to more populated area to find jobs, and a lock down can, and will, render them jobless and hard to cope with the current situation, as most of them do not have a secondary income or savings to live off.

So, with lock down out of the picture, what is our next best option? Although our president, Joko Widodo, has done quite a good job in handling the panic that ensues within the spread of Corona Virus, the virus itself has continue to proliferate; as such here are some of my idea as to what the should do:

  • Basic sanitary items, such as surgical mask, or commonly called as face mask, sanitizers, and the likes, are to be distributed to the masses that are either unemployed or make minimum wage or less. 
  • Food rations are to be provided to people with the same criteria as the previous point.
  • If the funding of the programs are lacking, I suggest a small tax for the 1% of the richest to pay, as Indonesia is the 6th most unequal country, as the richest 4 has more wealth than the total amount of the 100 million of the poorest.
  • Basic quarantine tent for the homeless, as they do not have any place called home they can spread the disease faster when they come in contact to someone, as they do not have an access to a place to clean them selves up. I suggest the tent is equipped with the bare most essentials, such as a place to sleep and a toilet/bathroom/washroom.

Although some of the suggestion above is either illogical or downright don't make any senses, it is, without a doubt, what I think is the best course of action that needs to be taken so as the virus would not spread rapidly and chaotically. 

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