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Red Cymbals from Australia

28 Juni 2019   19:46 Diperbarui: 28 Juni 2019   20:08 46
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Source: Red Cymbals Documentation

Yesterday, I have an interview with Dylan Redman (CEO Red Cymbals). This cymbals is dope, check the interview below:

1.Please tell us about the history of RedCymbals ?
-Red Cymbals started in 2018 as CEO Dylan Redman could never find just the right sound that he wanted from other brands that he had tried and just wanted to make his perfect cymbal. Dylan also wanted to combine his various interests in drumming, mental health promotion, music, videography, photography and other creative pursuits into one place and thus Red Cymbals was born. 

The brand came from Dylan's last name (Redman) but also from the idea that humans are all the same and no-one is better than anyone else - we all bleed the same colour - Red! Red is also the colour that represents passion and it means 'famous' in Mandarin (or so we have been told!). 

Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Red FX 17
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Red FX 17
2.Who's the most influential person in Red Cymbals history ?
-There are a number of people Dylan would say influenced him to start the brand such as close friends Peter Forster, Luke Kenney and of course his wife who put up with all of his crazy ideas however the people that influenced him the most are all the drummers that he meets and the desire for the cymbal company to mean more than just cymbals but also be about helping and encouraging each other and forming a community of drummer who support each other through life.

Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Hybrid
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Hybrid
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Dark
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Dark
 3.How do you envision your business in 5 years down the road ?
-We envision that we are connecting with drummers all over the world through holding Red Drum Sheds and forming a globally connected community of drummers who share their ideas and support each other as well as play Red Cymbals. 

We would like to cross the boundaries between musical genres and be making cymbals that are satisfying and enjoyable for all drummers. We would like to have our cymbals in stores all around the world and for those stores to hold drum sheds in store.

Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Custom Paiste
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Custom Paiste
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Custom Dry Ride
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Custom Dry Ride
4.What is the excellence of Red Cymbals ?
-Red Cymbals are handmade in Turkey using time honoured traditional methods with an ear for a range of tones to satisfy even the most picky drummers with a range of tastes and preference.

5.What are innovation that u do?
-While we offer a wide range of cymbals but we also offer a custom cymbal service to modify cymbals to suit each individual drummer's needs. We treat all of our artists and customers like they are endorsed. We also hold regular drum sheds to bring together the drumming community to learn from and support each other. We also support mental health organisations with regular donations from sales.

Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Bright
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Bright

6.Can u mention public figures that endorse Red Cymbals ?
-We have a variety of artist who endorse our product, all of whom are listed on our website
We are grateful for the support that we have received from a number of amazing drummers all around the world.         

Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Bright Hybrid
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Bright Hybrid

7.Do u have any plan to expand ur buisness to Asia & Europe ?
What is ur next plan ?
-We are keen to work with drummers in Asia as well as holding Red Drum Sheds and supporting the drumming community in Asia. We have already been working with some drummers in Singapore and Cambodia. We would like expand further into Asia and work with the incredible drummers there.

Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Bright FX Crash
Source: Red Cymbals Photo-Bright FX Crash

8.I need the photo of RedCymbals and the photo owner of RedCymbals (to be shown in my buisness blog)Thankz.
I will attach photos some of our cymbals and a picture of myself playing the drums

-Dylan Redman
Facebook: redcymbals
Instagram: @redcymbals

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