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Siti Maharani Salsabilla
Siti Maharani Salsabilla Mohon Tunggu... Penulis - English Department Student

Hi, There! welcome to my blog^^ As you can see, I have a slightly long full name, to make it shorter just call me Bella. I'm an English student. I used this blog to fullfil my Creative Writing Practice assignments. I'm still newbie here, so sorry if there are many mistakes in my writing^^ My another blog link:



Ruang Kelas

4 Negative Impacts of TikTok on Children

9 Mei 2021   11:49 Diperbarui: 9 Mei 2021   11:58 1258
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Kompasiana adalah platform blog. Konten ini menjadi tanggung jawab bloger dan tidak mewakili pandangan redaksi Kompas.

They don't hesitate to do this just for content. In addition, there are those who create content known as "Prank" where someone will prank other people just for fun.  Not a few also do this from funny things to even endanger themselves and others. This is very detrimental to the morale and behavior of the children.

The use of TikTok is indeed prone to dangers for underage children who use it, as the example described above. To address this, parents must also be proactive in supervising the use of gadgets, especially the use of this application by children. We as adults must be prepared to watch over the children around us so that things that are not wanted happen to children.

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