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Ilmu Sosbud

The Progress of the Fourth Week of Collaboration Carried Put by Unisa Students with MSMEs Mbokemplok

26 November 2022   16:11 Diperbarui: 26 November 2022   16:16 77
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Last week, which was carried out in the third week of November (20/11), students conveyed their plans and desires to create testimonial content about products offered through e-commerce applications.

Finally, a good response was obtained; the partner's mother agreed to what we planned. We also create some other content, for which in the process of creation there are no restrictions on time or date (it is flexible). Meanwhile, the plan is to post the content on November 22 or 23.

As explained in the previous article, we in the MSME group agreed to let all of them create content and not depend on the schedule or turn of whoever is in charge. If the idea to make a testimonial was conveyed by me, then another idea also came from Alfi in the form of video content.

It turns out that the material for creating such video content still has some shortcomings, so it is necessary to hold another partner visit. While waiting for confirmation from the partner regarding the visit schedule, Alfi is trying to create video content with existing materials and, of course, making it interesting by applying the methods and materials that have been presented at the October workshop.

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